Chapter 1

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Grayson's POV
"Almost" i called out to Ethan. Today was my first day back at school, and his taking me. I moved from my old school. Hopefully, no one knows me, especially after what happened at my old school.

I looked in the mirror and fixed my tie. I wore a pale blue button-up, dark blue jeans, black converse, and a dark blue bow tie to match my pants. My chocolate hair perfectly shaped into a quiff. However, I was so tempted to grab my favorite flower crown and prop it on my head. But I didn't.

Ethan came in wearing a white-t and some grey sweats. He took one glance at me and shook his head 'no'. I huffed and flopped on my bed, looking up at the red colored ceiling. A little bundle of angry spread through me when I remembered my parents telling me I couldn't have a purple room, to get a 'boy' color.

I was shaken out of my thoughts when Ethan spoke "dude, are you going to pick out something or should I".
"you" I huffed. Aggravated at the fact that I've changed three times. Every one Ethan said wasn't good enough. Apparently, I needed to dress like I wanted to kick someone's ass, but that's not how I wanted to dress.

I wanted to wear a pink sweater, white suspenders, and my fucking flower crown.

In the end, Ethan made me dress in black ripped jeans, the same black converse, and a dark grey shirt. I was glad he let me keep my one angel wing earring. But he still didn't understand 'me'. I never did tell him about my secret tattoo, and don't plan on it. 

When explaining myself to my parent and family they thought I was gay. But I'm not i promise.
('I'm not ok, i promise' 😂. If you understand that i love you) I'm simply just a little. No, I'm not actually five I just have the tendency of one. I actually want a mommy. If you're thinking I mean someone like a mother, well your wrong again. It's hard to explain, I'm hard to explain. I just hope there's someone out there that does understand.

After the very long drive to school, waving bye to Ethan. Walking up to the giant building I felt an anxiety attack coming on. Trying to keep my cool i open the door and step in. I felt as if i was going to pass out, there were just so many people. Not a single one looked nice. I just keep telling my self that i need to find my crowd. Which in the end will probably be the stereotyped 'pop punks'. Yes, they may listen to scary, loud music. But they are the nicest people in school, besides the nerds.

Honestly, i would love to hang out with the nerds but Ethan said i would get picked on. And he said i should have a 'bad boy' reputation so I can be popular. I didn't want to be popular but that's the only way to survive school, so I have to do it.

Walking to my first class, i got lost and ended up just staying in the bathroom for the whole period. The next class i walked into all the girls just keep giggling at me and waving. I didn't really understand so I just waved back, politely. Which seemed to make the boys in class angry. Gosh, why do i have to be so oblivious?

While trying to pay attention to what the teacher was saying i heard whispering. I turned my focus to what the two girls were saying in front of me.
"Yea, his the new kid"
"I think his name starts with a 'g'"
"His name doesn't matter, his hot"
"Omg, yes did you see that jawline"
"I bet he's great in bed"
"Think he likes to be called daddy"
"Of course he does, are you stupid"

I was so confused what any of there conversation meant, i just forget about it. The all the sudden a boy next to me bumps my elbow and said
"The hoes are talking about you if you plan on a quick fuck tell one of them to hit me up". Why are people here so vulgar. I just answer with a quick nod. And he says
" thanks, bud"

It's been a long day and I'm glad to be going to my final class. As i walk in my eyes land on a beautiful girl. She has light brown curly hair, pink tinted skin, pricing blue eyes, a pearly white smile, freckles dotted her face, plum pink lips, a small waist, big thighs and hips, and a nice set of boobs.

I felt my pants tighten at the sight of her, not wanting it to get worst i quickly make my way to my seat. I just couldn't get her off my mind. Then i hear the teacher announcing partners for a group project, he calls out names
"dan with Phil".
       "yes" the two shouted.
  "Brendon with Jessie"
       "But i wanted Lana" the blue-haired girl complaint. I started zoning out tell i heard my name.
"Grayson with Lana"
I wondered who that was until my eyes fell on the girl before waving at me. I gulped and waved back.

"Now find your partner and discuss how you will complete the project for the rest of class". I went to grab my book when Lana sat down beside me. Well, then she's fast. I looked at her trying not to have my face go bright red.

" so I'm free tomorrow, but it's ok if your not. I know it's the weekend" she giggled. Her voice sounded better than i imaged, it was so soft and calming.
"Oh, I'm free," i said, probably sounding stupid.
"Great. Yours or mine?"
"Mines fine, no one's going to be there" i meant in a sweet way. But then realized it was a very douche bag thing to say.
"K see yo..." She stopped when the bell rang. Handing me a small piece of paper that read
'text me 123-456-7890'. I waved bye to her and giggled in my head.


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