Chapter 3

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Izzy's POV

I really liked Clarissa she is the first girl that hasn't fallen for jace but it looks like she is hiding something me Alec and jace knew that she didn't cut herself while cooking last night because that. there wouldn't be as much blood through the bandage and the way she hesitated when she said it whatever it is she is new and I am gonna look after

While Clarissa went to get something to eat we sat down with our gang it was me Alec jace Maia Jordan and Magnus and Simon.

Jordan and Maia are going out. Alec and Magnus are dating. Simon is in our group because he lives with Jordan and jace ...... well he is just a player

"Who was the girl that was walking with you" Jordan asked "she kinda hot" and with that Maia slapped him across the head


Everyone laughed

"She the new girl" Alec said "Clarissa Morgan no uh mor.... Morgenstern that it"

I rolled my eyes

"You are so smart Alec you know everything except people's names" I said

Everyone laughed

"What's so funny" said a voice when we looked it was Clarissa

"Oh we'll we were just laughing at how Alec is so smart but he can't remember somebody's name" Maia said

"Oh" she said

"You are not really the person that smiles a lot are you" Simon asked curiously

"Don't be ridiculous Simon she smiled this morning when she won the bet against jace right" I said

"Uhhhhh.." she looked uncomfortable I wonder why?

"It was because I have heard rumours that he is a total asshole, which I agree with, and that he thinks he knows everything and I like proving his kind wrong" she said

"Oh" we all said

"Well your the first to actually insult jace so I like you even more" Simon says

"thanks I guess" she said

"Hey what happened to your wrist" Maia ask

"That is what we all wanted to know" said a voice

We turned around and saw it was jace

"Yeah, how did you hurt yourself " Magnus asked

We all stared at her. there was something in her facial expression made me think that she is scared

"Uhh I told you I ..umm cut myself while cooking last night"she said looking down at her food

"We know that you said that" said jace as he plopped himself down beside Clarissa "but we don't believe you right" he said as he stared at the rest at the gang

They all nodded including me

"I mean" Magnus said " honey that cut wouldn't show that much blood if was last night so that wound had to made sometime this morning "

Clarys POV

"I mean" Magnus said " honey that cut wouldn't show that much blood if was last night so that wound had to made sometime this morning "

"Look I hurt myself no big deal" I saiid hopefully they would drop it and

Oh my god no no no no I am actually freaking out I could I could say that I cut myself while cooking this morning but they won't believe that and I don't trust them to keep my secret so I just said that I know they won't believe me but right now I would say anything

Fortunately someone did speak unfortunately that someone was goldie aka jace

"Yh well since you lied to us then yo..."

"Look just drop it ok I don't want to talk about it and if anyone of you are gonna ask I am gonna leave sort of like now " I said

I was so close to yelling at them now they nothing about me they just met and all they care about is how I got hurt I mean this sorta proves that care but I wish that they wouldn't cause valentine told me that if I ever told anyone and they told the police I would never see the sun again

I don't mind dying I have tried to kill myself plenty of times last year I was even on drugs until valentine found out

The only time valentine has ever showed affection to me is when I try to kill myself that is when he never beats me and he actually takes care of me but yh I mean I never smile and if I do but it's fake that was the first time I have smiled and it wasn't forced I mean the last time I had smiled like that was when I was with my brother and that was about 6 years ago and I am 16

I stood up and started to go to my locker but before I could even take one step someone grabbed my hand it was jace before he let go I swear I felt a spark I heard that when you feel that you are supposed to be in lov..... no Clarissa no to love is to destroy and to be love is to be destroyed

"Fine we won't ask anymore ok right guys " jace said

"Yeah" they all said

"Can I ask a question though" Jordan asked

"Shoot" I said

"Who gave your name I mean Clarissa seems a bit to formal don't you think"

"Ummm...valentine I mean my father chose that name" I said it was really hard to say his name without saying if with disgust

"What about a nick name " Simon said

"Fine got any ideas" I sighed there was no point on arguing

"How about Clare bear" jace said

"No" me and izzy said at the same time

"It sounds so childish" I said

"We need something that doesn't sound childish but is similar to her name because no offence Clarissa sounds so formal" izzy said

"None taken"

"How about clary it's similar to your name and its not as formal as Clarissa" said Magnus

" yeah clary sounds nice" I said

"Well everyone lets get to class" Magnus said in a cheery voice and everyone groaned

I thought these people really cared and I wouldn't mind being friends with them

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