Chapter 7

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"Clary" Magnus said breaking my train of thought

No answer

"Clary" Alec said

"Clary" I said softly

When there was still no answer I looked at the rest of the group and shrugged my shoulders

I gently shook clary's shoulder and said "earth to clary are you there ? "

"Huh what" she said a bit surprised

"Clary what's wrong you just totally zoned out " izzy said worriedly

"Yh what's wrong sweetheart " Magnus said

We all looked at her

"Uhhhhh" she said

Clarissa POV

"Uhhhh" i said "I was just deep in thought" hoping they would by my excuse

"Really" Maia said "because it looked like you we're having a day nightmare"

I scrunched up my face " day nightmare?"

" Yeah well you were day dreaming but it looked like you were having a nightmare while you were in your day dream" she " if that makes any sense "

"Not really" Alec said

"So what were you "day nightmaring" about then" Simon said

I just looked at them. Iwas really grateful that they cared about. I wasn't sure about jace though, but the rest of them, even though I have only known them for about a week, they were actually starting to become a family to me. kind to me like my brother. But in a way I didn't know what it felt . To be loved . To have someone actually care for you.

I already had my life on the line, if I told them about my past and what valentine is doing to me then we all will be dead.

"Nothing" I said " look you guys carry on the game I am going to get some fresh air "

I stood up and walked towards the door " and please no one follow " I said without looking at them

When I got outside you could see the sunset. It was so beautiful, the way the sun could change the colour of the clouds and sky.

I just leaned against the wall looking at the sky

And for once in my life I actually felt happy. Peaceful

Alec's POV

When clary left everyone was silent. I knew that we all knew she was hiding something.

She said she had a brother but she didn't say where he was.
Clary also said that she wasn't close to her father and that she never called him father but Valentine. I didn't know if it was me but i swear I know or heard someone called Valentine Morgenstern I just couldn't place my finger on it

"What should we do now guys" Simon said

"Well" izzy said " we could go to the pande......" she was cut off by the run of her phone

"Helloooo" she said

I rolled my eyes. Cheery Izzy

"Oh yh it's ok maybe next time lily" she said and hung up

"Guess who that was" she said

"Lily " jace said in a sarcastic tone

"Shut up jace" izzy said " and yes it was she said that her group can't come because they have to to do some

" So I guess it's just us then" Jordan said

"Guys this is about clary" I said

This snapped jace's attention.

"What about clary " he said

I gave him a confused look. He wasn't the person that cared for people. however I had a feeling that he had feelings for clary. I made mental note to ask jace if he did or not.

"Well what is is " Maia said a little impatiently

"Well clarys last name is Morgenstern" I began " and she said that her father's name is Valentine, Valentine Morgenstern " I took a breath " is it just me or does that name sound familiar"

"Well," Magnus said

"Well what" Izzy said

We looked at him intently. I have benn dating magnus nearly 2 years and i knew when he was hiding something.

" Well i have heard someone called Valentine Morgenstern but i dont think clary will be related to him"  he said nervously

" Well we will never know because you are not telling us who you think it is" Jace said calmly. With Jace that is never good. there is thing called scary calm, and this is the state that Jace was in. No one has ever had a good experience with this.

" So spill Magnus i want to know" jace said

" Well" Magnus said " i heard on the news that a guy called Valentine Morgenstern was a drug dealer. That he would sell all types of drugs and guns and other illegal stuff to teenagers our year and to any other generation"

" Bullshit" Izzy said " she would have told us if she had problems with her family"

" Thats not true" Jace said

" WHAT"  Izzy said 

" Jace is right Izzy " jordan said

" I am always right" Jace said smiling

" Shup up Jace this important" i said. I really hated it when he was smiling on really important moments like this. I sometimes really wanted to punch him.

This time it was Simon  that spoke up " Clary hardly knows us Izzy. I dont think she trusts us to tell her most deepest secret to a buch of teenage kids she has just known a week"

" Guys guys guys, calm down we dont know if that Valentine Morgenstern is actually her father"  Maia said " We need a plan to make her trust us and so she can tell us more about her past, and if that doesnt work we need to find her father and see if it is actually that person that Magnus is talking about"

"  I agree with Maia" I said " Anyone else" 

" Agreed" everyone said

" yay now thats sorted and while we wait for Clary to come back, lets carry on with the game" Izzy said 

" Oh its my go" Maia said " hummmm..... Jace truth or dare"

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