Chapter 14

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Jace's POV

I woke up, only to be blinded by the sunlight. Guess i forgot to shut the curtains last night. I looked over at my alarm clock, it said 11:25. Wow. I slept in, normally i am up by 8, and downstairs by half past.

I shook my head. I couldn't sleep last night. All i could think about was Clary, her marks on her back, how she didn't want open up, and matter of fact , she still doesn't. I couldn't imagine how much pain she's been through, and when Izzy told me that this started when she was ten i got pissed. Who does that, and what kind of father doesn't do anything about it.

I sighed

There was something about Clary that made me feel.......... i dont know..... just something that i have never felt before. She is not like other girls. Most girls, when they see me they can't resist me, but she doesn't care about my looks. I haven't slept with anyone since i have met her. I know it was only a week, but by now i would've slept with at least 5-10 girls by now.

I shook my head. Now is not the time to be worried about feelings, i thought, right now i need to find out more about Clary.

I got out of my bed, made it and went downstairs to get some breakfast.

When i got to the kitchen no one was there. Well no one except Clary. She was just sat on one of the stools, coffee in her hand and headphones in her ears

"Hey Clary " I said

No answer

" Clary " I said again

Still no answer

I walked up to her and shook her shoulder. She jumped

" Jesus Jace " she said " you scared the shit out of me "

" Well " I said " I did say your name you just didn't hear me "

" Oh " she said

I took a deep breath

" Clary I need to ask you something "

" Ok " she said " shoot "

I looked at her. She seemed so calm. Like nothing happened last night, that we didn't see her scars.

" Clary where's your mother "

Clary's POV

" Clary where's your mother "

Those words made me freeze.

" W..why do you want to know " I asked nervously.

" Well you never mentioned her " Jace said " only your father, Valentine "

I thought for what seemed like forever. If I told them about my mom it wouldn't give away anything. She doesn't know anything that has happened to me over the years. I haven't contacted since the divorce.

" To be honest with you " I said " I have no idea "

" What do you mean you have no idea " Jace said " you mean like she's missing ? "

" What no " I said rather surprised by he just said " look it's complicated "

I couldn't find a word that could describe my family problems

" I've got time " he said

"Well when I was ten my parents got divorced " I said " me and my brother, Jonathan, by the way he'a like a year and half older than me, heard rumours but we never believed them "

" What were the rumours " he said

" Valentine had his friend from childhood, called Luke Garroway, he was like an uncle to me and Jon. The rumours were that mom and Luke were having am affair. Ever since that rumour was leaked they were arguing constantly. Finally, when i was ten they got divorced " I said thinking of the day when my parents told me and Jon that they were getting divorced.

" I stayed with Valentine and Jon stayed with my mom " I said " I haven't heard of her since "

" And have you tried to contact her " Jace asked

" Uhhhh " I said " my father doesn't want me or himself to have anything to do with her. So no " I said " I haven't tried to contact her "

Which was a lie. The first few moths when Valentine started to beat me,i tried calling her to try and ask her for help. Then I just gave up, Figured she change her number.

I did more things as well. But I guess that not all stories are supposed to see the day of light.

Sorry guys for the wait I would've have updated sooner but my old iPod broke and I had to buy a new one. don't hate

And also I know it be short but I will try and make the next update bigger

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and comment of you like this chapter or any of you ideas for this story

Till the next update ( hopefully soon )

bella x

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