Chapter 10

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Math ended with no further issues from Emma and Shawn. After chatting a bit with Jamie and Jason I went to the bathroom before chemistry.

I did my business and was in the middle of washing my hands when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see the girl who made my life miserable every day.


"So you think your boyfriends can get rid of me that easily" she spoke in a sickly sweet voice that I had learned actually wasn't supposed to be sweet.

"I-I um... Th-they" I tried to reply, but was so scared.

"Pathetic" she sneered. She took a step closer. "don't think this will change anything. Your sorry excuse for a life is going to be about 10 times worse."

I closed my eyes and took a step away from her.

"Leave me alone" I whispered.

"Yeah right"

I opened my eyes to see her fist coming for my face and then everything went black.


"How is she?"

I felt myself in the state juuuust before you wake up. I heard familiar voices but was still too out if it to recognize them.

"Her heart rate is stable now so that's good." another voice spoke up.

"She hasn't woken up yet though." I heard a third voice.

Finally coming to my senses I opened my eyes.

"Why does my head hurt so much?" I groaned.

"Nicole!" All three voices shouted at once. I winced at the loud noise. Looking around I saw that I was in a hospital room. Nick, Jason and Jamie were there and Nick was sitting beside the bed holding my hand.

"What happened?" I asked them, scared to know the answer.

"We don't know.... All we know is you never showed up to our math session." Jason told me. I could see the worry in his eyes. "We went looking for you. I found you in the girls bathroom unconscious and with blood all over your face."

"You went in a girls bathroom for me" I laughed weakly, then stopped. I remembered what happened.

"What's wrong?" Nick asked, and I snapped my head to look at him.

"N-nothing" I stuttered. "Just a, uh, headache." I lied to them. I mean, only partially. My head did really hurt.

"Do you want us to leave?" Jamie asked.

"No! I'm glad you guys are here." I smiled at them. "Where's mom and dad?"

"They went to get Bella from school." Nick told me. "I made them get out of here for a bit, they've been at your side since they got here."

"How long have I been unconscious?" I asked.

"Since Monday." Jamie told me.

"And what day is it today?" I rolled my eyes. He really had a thick head sometimes.

"Oh! Sorry" he grinned sheepishly. "It's Thursday night. You've been out for almost four full days."

Wow. Emma was stronger than I have her credit for.

"So do you remember what happened in the bathroom?" Jason asked.

"I, um, no. I don't know." I looked out the window.

"Ok, well we're going to give you some peace and go find Dr Halton." Nick pulled the two boys out the door and down the hall.


***Nick's point of view***

"So do you remember what happened in the bathroom?" Jason asked her.

"I, um, no. I don't know." She didn't even look at is in the eyes when she said this. Definitely lying.

"Ok, well we're going to give you some peace and go find Dr Halton." I told her and I pushed Jamie and Jason out of the room. Once I was sure we were out of earshot I groaned loudly.

"You think she's lying don't you." Jamie asked me.

"Of course she is... She would look at us directly if she wasn't." I groaned again. "Someone did this to her and I'll bet you it was Emma..."

The boys nodded their heads in agreement.

"So what do we do?" Jason wondered.

"Well obviously we have to tell someone!" Jamie decided.

"Who's going to believe us?" I reasoned. "We have no proof. we have to get Nicole to tell someone. they must've been alone, so if Nicole tells them to check the video tapes it'll show how Emma entered right after her and how Emma left the bathroom but Nicole never did."

"Good idea, but obviously Nicole isn't going to tell anyone..." Jamie stated.

"That's why Jason is going to ask her."

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