Chapter 31

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"So Nicole," Cassidy was talking to me. "What's new?"

It was just the two of us in the cafeteria today, the other girls got detention for skipping gym class the other day. In their defence, I would skip sex ed. too, luckily I didn't take the course.

"Not much Cass," I smiled at her. "Except... I'm kind of going out with Jamie on Friday night?"

Her eyes grew huge. "REALLY?" She shouted. a few heads turned our way and I blushed slightly while nodding at her.

"Nicoleeee!" She squealed. "That's awesome! I'm so happy for you! I've always thought you guys were cute..." She thought to herself.

"Thanks Cass." I smiled at her.

"So what are you going to wear?" She asked me.

"I don't know, whatever looks decent I guess."

She gave me a look.

"Ok... I'm thinking a dress?" I laughed at her response to my simple outlook on fashion.

"Please, please, please, please, pleeeeaseeee let me help you get ready?" she begged.

"Hmmm...." I pretended to think for a second, and she gave me a friendly punch when she realized I was teasing her.

"GREAT! We'll have a girls day, since Friday is a PA Day" She exclaimed. (A/N in case you didn't know PA Day's are days where students don't go to school) 

"Ok Cass..." I laughed at her excitement.


"Hey Cassie" I smiled at my girlfriend as she walked into my bedroom. She had been at the mall with Nicole apparently, buying a dress for her and Jamie's date. Girls...

"Nick, you're a butt." She pouted at me.

"What did I do now, babe?" I laughed at her.

"You didn't tell me how awesome your sister is!" She punched my arm lightly.

"So I take it the shopping trip went well?" I smirked.

"It was so much fun. I like her more than my other friends! She's a lot like you, but she's just so sweet and innocent and friendly." Cassidy explained.

"Glad you two got along." I said to her.

"Hey Nick?" She asked. "Is it true that she has been in bed with half of our grade? Because I don't believe that, it's just that our entir-"

I cut her off mid sentence.

"Who in the world told you that." I glared at the wall. "It's not true. Jason was her first boyfriend and she never did anything more than kiss him, as far as I know."

"I didn't believe it," She soothed me, and rubbed my shoulders. I hadn't realized how tense I had become.

"Nick?" She said, tentatively.


"Nicole is officially my new best friend."

I smiled at her and kissed her. "You're the best."


The rest of the week went by extremely slow. I spent all of it either with Cassidy or Jamie, and heard very little from the Katie/Jason/Shawn gang. That was definitely a good thing.

Cassidy was very quickly gaining my trust. It was nice to have a girl to talk to. I hadn't had a girl as a friend since grade 3.

I was looking forward to my date with Jamie. Since he knew about my dislike for surprises, he told me exactly what we were doing. Bowling and Dinner and dessert at a crepe place downtown. The Ideal date.

I was currently doing my homework, well, I was trying to do my homework... I was actually just staring at my chemistry textbook hoping it would magically start to make sense. It didn't.

I heard a ping from my cell phone and looked to see that I had an email. From the Ontario Referee Association.

I quickly opened it up and scanned the text.


        It has come to our attention the magnificent skills you have shown as a referee. We have seen your example as a positive role model for young female referees and we would be honoured to share your experience at an upcoming referee association conference.

        As a part of this conference we would very much be thrilled to have you as a speaker in a session entitled "The Referee." We would like you to elaborate on your inspiration to become a referee, your trials as a female referee and etc.

The email went on to say when and where the conference was, who to contact for questions and that I was allowed to bring one guest with me. I dropped the paper and I screamed.


I heard footsteps pounding up the stairs to my bedroom, and within seconds my parents and siblings appeared.

"Guess what, guess what, guess what!!!!" I screamed at them. They all looked at me with bewildered faces.

"I'm going to be a speaker at a referee conference!!" I shouted as I jumped around my room.

My parents congratulated me and read the email that I gave to them.

My brother hobbled over (he was still injured of course) and he gave me a hug. "Congrats, sis." He smiled at me.

"Yay kiki!" Shouted bella, as she jumped onto me to give me a bear hug. "Why are we happy?" She asked, looking very confused.

We all laughed at her, and she walked out of my room, her lips drawn in a little pout. Ah well, she would get over it.

"Wow, Nicole, this is great, we're very proud of you." My parents each congratulated me. "Did you...did you see where the conference is being held?"

I shook my head and took back my phone. I read through to the details at the end of the email.

Annual Referee Developement Conference

When: March 11 - 18

Where: The May Fair Hotel, London, England

I'm going to London... to speak at a referee conference... as an exemplary referee.

Mind = BLOWN.

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