Chapter 1: Introduction

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Change one thing.... Change everything - The Butterfly effect

I open the door to the kitchen and see Josh passed out in a chair against the kitchen counter.
You walk over to him and tap him on his shoulder. He doesn't respond. Beth walks into the kitchen. "Hey Beth". You say. She smiles. "what happend to him?" she ask. I grab the bottle that is standing on the counter. "jack Daniel's huh? Wow Josh" I say and giggle. Beth looks at a note that is laying on the kitchen counter. "shit" she says and runs out of the kitchen. I look how she runs away. I shrug my shoulders and give it one last try to wake up Josh, but nothing works. I decide to look at the note:
You look so damn hot in that shirt,
But I bet you look even hotter out of it. Come to the guest room at 2.00 am
Xx Mike

You run over to the guest room, but before you arrive there you see the whole group standing in the main entrance door. You walk over to them. "what happend" you ask. "w-we just had a little prank with Hannah" Chris says. "and Hannah ran away and later Beth went after her" Mike says. I grab my coat. "you guys should have known better" I say and start running after Hannah and Beth.
I start running through the forest, not paying attention to where I'm going.
"Hannah!..... Beth" I scream. I stop running and the cold hits me. I look around. "Hannah?... Beth?" I say, a little softer. I look around. "why does a forest always look creepy when it's dark" I whisper to myself. I hear a noise and turn around and suddenly fire is blasting through the trees. I scream and start running back to the lodge. "help!" I scream. I see my friends and scream. They look in my directions with worried looks. I stop running and try to catch my breath. "I-I saw.... Fire....hannah....beth" I say, but before I could finsih the sentence I pass out from exhaustion.

You like it so far? Make sure to check out the following parts cuz the story has just started.

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