Decision: Join Mike

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Mike walks out of the room, further into the basement.
"Mike, wait for me!" I say and I run after him.

We walk in silence and walk into the asylum.
"a-are you okay Mike?" I ask and block his way so he can't walk further.
Mike shakes his head. "no I'm not" he says.
He looks at me and I can see the fear in his eyes. "I'm uhh scared Y/N, really scared" Mike says.
I look at him and nod.
"that's okay Mike... It's been a weird night" I say.
Mike sighs. "how are you holding up?" he ask.
I sigh and shake my head. "I... I don't know. I mean *sigh* I just want this night to end" I say, a tear starts to fall down my face.
Mike wipes the tear away, gives me a hug.
"then let's find the key to the cable cart" he says.
We walk through the asylum, we go downstairs.
"scary place huh?" I say. Mike nods in agreement.

I see a little room, the door is open

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I see a little room, the door is open. I walk in and see a huge sentence written in blood on the wall.

"stop testing on us! We are humans, treat us like one!"

A shiver goes down my spine.
"oh Mike what have they done to these people?" I say.

We walk through the hall and walk over to an sort of open place.
We hear a noice and Mike quickly grabs his gun only to see a mouse walking.
He sighs in relief, but suddenly a wendigo jumps in front of him.
He quickly pulls his gun and shoots. He hits the wendigo, but it will only buy us time.
"run!" he screams.
I start to run as fast as I can.
I open an door, Mike runs past me and I quickly lock the door.
The wendigo bumps against the door and start screaming.
I cover my eyes, trying to escape the sound for a couple seconds.
Mike fires a shot again. The wendigo runs away.
Mike grabs my hand "come we have to go!" he says.
I nod, get up and follow him.
We hear the screaming of the wendigo's becoming louder, meaning they are getting closer.
We turn around a corner and suddenly a wendigo jumps on me and pushes me to the ground. The wendigo stands over my body and looks at my face. I lay as still as possible and all I can think is "this is the end"

× will be continued ×

Sorry it's a short one 😬

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