Chapter 13: Ashley

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I walk through the mine. Water is dripping down the rocks and falling on the ground, it's cold.
I hear high pitched screaming. I turn around, nothing to see.
I keep walking and end up in an open place.
I can go left or right.
I go right.
I walk through a small tunnel.
I hear a noise coming from behind me. I turn around and see Matt and Jessica standing in front of me, about to hit me with a baseball bat.
I stop Matt from hitting me.
"stop... Stop it's me Ashley!" I scream.
"stop Matt!" Jessica screams.

"you guys look horrible" I say.
"look at yourself" Jessica says.
"what happend to you guys?" I ask.
"I fell down the mine and eventually found Jessica" Matt says.
Jessica just looks in the distance, not really responding to our conversation.
We hear the screams of the wendigo approaching.
"we need to keep going" Matt says.

We nod and continue walking.
We walk through the tunnel, when suddenly I feel a hand grabbing my foot and tackles me to the ground. I look around and see a wendigo screaming at me.
I cover my ears for the horrible sound.
Matt runs over to the wendigo and beat it with his bat.
The wendigo falls of me.
"quick we need to go!" Matt screams.

We all start to run as fast as we can, we go left, right, right and take another left, but the wendigo keeps following us.
Suddenly Matt stops running.
"why do you stop?" Jessica says.
"That way is blocked with rocks and the other way is through a wooden fence" Matt says.
"what is the fastest way out of this godamn place?" I ask.

The wendigo is getting closer

"I think the wooden fence" Matt says.
"well let's go then" Jessica says.

Matt takes a few steps back and then burst through the wooden fence and falls down the mountain.
"quick let's go" I say to Jessica.
Jessica and I run after Matt and we fall down the mountain and land next to Matt.
We groan in pain.
"did we lose the wendigo?" Jessica ask.
"I think so" I say.
Matt looks up and nods. "I think we lost the wendigo" he says. "but not for long" he says.

"the house is not far away from here, we need to go back to the house" I say.
Matt and Jessica nod and follow me to the house.

× to be continued ×

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