Decision: Stay With The Rest

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Mike walks away looking for the key for the cable cart.
Emily sighs in relief and whispers "he almost did that" she whispers to herself and is in shock.
Ashley starts looking through the room, looking for stuff to find. She opens a drawer and finds a diary.
She opens the diary and starts reading.
I walk over to Emily and try to comfort her by giving her a hug.

"omg" Ashley softly whispers to herself.
Sam rolls her eyes. "what Ashley?" Sam says.
"I-I Uhm I was wrong?" Ashley says.
We all look at her, confused.
"what do you mean?" Chris ask.
Ashley looks at us and then at Emily. "I was wrong about the bite from the wendigo" Ashley says.
Emily stand up, starting to get angry.
"what do you mean Ashley?" she ask.
"I mean that you can't get infected by a wendigo, meaning you won't turn into a wendigo" she says.
Emily walks over to Ashley and slaps her in the face.
"why would you hit her?" Chris ask, getting angry.
"she deserves it!" Emily says, getting angry.
"Uhm no, Mike pointed the gun at you not me!" Ashley says.
"you didn't stop him, you even encouraged him to do it" Emily says.
Then the realisation hit Ashley.
"I'm so sorry Emily" she says. Emily rolls her eyes. "save it" she says.

"guys stop it!" Sam says. "Emily I know your angry and you have all right to be, but we need each other to get out of this shitty situation" Sam says and looks around the room.
"now let's get out of this room and help Mike so we can get away from this freaking mountain" she says and walks out of the room.
We follow her and try to find Mike or someone else.

× will be continued ×
Sorry this one is shitty but I don't know what happend exactly anymore hehe.

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