Decision: Stay With The Others And Wait For Chris To Open The Door

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"so I'm going alone... Through a dark house...great" Chris says

Josh and I look at each other.
"I have to sorry out some stuff, sorry bud" Josh says.
Chris looks at me. "Chris... Good luck and be careful" I say. Chris sighs and then he disappears in the house.
Josh and I walk back to the front door. "Uhm I have to go do something" Josh says and then walks away.
That leaves me, Jessica, Sam and Mike. We hear some noises coming from the forest. "what's that?" Sam ask. I stand up and decide to take a look. "Hello?" I say.
"yeah can somebody help me open up this gate?" Ashley screams. I walk over to Ashley and open up the gate. "Hey Ash" I say. She smiles and greets me.
I was about to close the gate when I hear someone scream my name. "Y/N don't close the gate" I hear someone scream. I see Matt and Emily walking towards us. They both give me a hug and then we walk back to the cabin lodge.
"Guess who I found?" I say with a smile.
I walk further and then Sam, Mike and Jessica see the rest of the group. Jessica sees Emily and starts to sit closer to Mike. "don't worry I dumped him Jessica. He didn't dump me" Emily says. "whatever" Jessica says and rolls her eyes.
We hear a sound coming from the door. "Chris we know it's you" Sam says.
"how do you know that?" Chris says. "Cuz you're the only one in there" Sam says.

After 10 minutes Chris returns with deo spray can and starts to unfreeze the lock. He opens the door. "tadaaa" he says and smiles. "Finally" Jessica says and we walk inside.

Home sweet home!" Josh says.
"nothing has changed since-" Emily says.
Josh turns around and looks at her. "I mean.." she says little softer. "yeah with all the cops coming in and out" Mike says. I give a soft punch at Mike's shoulder. He looks at me and then realize what he has said.
"it's so cold in here" Sam says and shiffers"im going to take a relaxing hot bath" she says and walks upstairs

× To be continued ×

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