Chapter 3

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Soo 10 reads already tysm for reading it. I know I know it's not perfect or excitinf but trust me it will get exciting so keep reading and spread the word to read this!

"it's so cold in here" Sam says and shiffers"im going to take a relaxing hot bath" she says and walks upstairs
"I have to go to the toilet" I say.
"you know where it is!" Josh says. I nod and walk upstairs to the bathroom.
I walk through the hallway and see a picture laying on a closet. I pick up the picture and take a quick look. I see Josh with Hannah and Beth standing on it smiling. I look at the back of the picture.

Josh with his beautiful sisters

I place the picture back and walk over to the bathroom.
I walk out of the bathroom and see Hannah's diary laying on a closet. I pick it up, look around to see if no one is watching me and open the diary.

Everyone being here together on the mountain is gonna be so AWESOME
Crazy friends, hottubs and OMG MIKE
I'm so psyched to spend some time with him.
Totally have to stop obsessing with him, can't help it and don't want to ;)

"Geez Hannah if you only knew" I whisper to myself.

I put the diary down and walk downstairs.
I must have been away for maybe 5 minutes but when I return Emily and Jessica are in a heated fight.

"No one is going to steal your man Mike from you away" Emily says to Jessica.
"Oh yeah? I'm just making sure everyone knows who he belongs to" Jessica says and stands up and walks over to Emily.
"Sorry what? I couldn't hear you over your slutiness" Emily says.
"You-" Jessica says and is about to run to Emily when Mike steps in between them,but before I he can say anything Josh says something: No this is not how I wanted this to happen. I want us to celebrate and party. Not screaming at each other!"he says. Everyone looks at Josh and is silent.
" Sorry bro, we know you don't want this or need this" Mike says. Josh cuts him off "I'm okay!" Josh says.

"Mike and Jessica if you want some privacy, there's a little cabin somewhere in the woods where you can do your thing" Josh says.
"thanks man, we will" Mike says, grabs the keys to the little cabin and heads outside with Jessica.

Emily looks around. "Matt where's my other bag?" Emily ask.
"you have more than 2 bags?" Matt says, a little shocked. Emily nods. "where is it? You would bring the bags with us!" Emily says. "my arms are full!" Matt says, a little irritated.
Emily sighs. "they must be still outside, we have to get them!" Emily says and walks outside. "Emily wait!" Matt says and follows her.

"Well that leaves us three" Chris says. "What shall we do?" Ashley ask.
Chris shrugs his shoulder and then Josh comes walks back into the living room. "we could grab the spirit board" Josh says. "I can grab it from the basement if you want" Josh says.
"yes please" Ashley says, but then Sam walks downstairs.
"is there an option for some hot water?" Sam says.
"Oh sorry Sam" Josh says while laughing. "I'll show you the way to hot water" Josh says and heads to the basement door.
"Oh guys could you get the spirit board from downstairs while me and Sam go get some hot water for my lady" Josh says and makes a little bow to Sam. Sam rolls her eyes.
Chris shrugs his shoulders "Sure, see you later" Chris says and he and Ashley walk downstairs.

"Let's go to the basement" Josh says.
Then Josh turns to me. "Y/N are you joining us or Chris and Ashley?" he ask.


1) Join Chris and Ashley

2) Join Josh and Sam

× to be continued ×

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