Greek Mythology Comes To Life?

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Zena was walking in her nearby park like she usually does when she wants to be alone. She noted that the park was oddly empty, but she didn't give it any thought. She sat down under the lush shade of a tree and brought out her book about Greek Myths, turning to a random chapter, she landed on Zeus. Intrigued by the photo on the cover of the chapter, she decides to start reading about him.

After a few beats, she snaps her head up when she hears rustling of leaves from in front of her. She looks around getting up quickly, turning to look behind the tree, seeing nothing. "I could've sworn.." she starts to say as she turns back around to be greeted by a green giant who swings at her, but she dodges, letting out a small 'woah'.

"Gotta be quicker than that." Zena quips, dodging another swing and dropping her book. She runs behind the giant and as soon as it turned around, she does a barrel roll between its legs, quickly picking up her book and starts to run for her life.

Hopping over a couple of bushes and swaying through trees, she looks back and still sees the giant chasing after her. "You just don't give up do you." She mumbles, turning to face where she was running to.

Just then, she feels something grab onto her shoulders. "Claws." Zena recognizes in her head. "Wait, claws?!" She quickly scrambles to look up and see a man with a funny hat on top of the griffon that was holding her, she also noticed there was a few more griffons. "Hello there I am Hermes, messenger of the Greek Gods of Olympus, oh oh, climb on board!" Hermes urged, waving his hand.

"Um, alright little man." Zena answers, putting her book into her mouth as she scales the griffon, sitting on top of it. "So what's going on, and why are we on a freaking griffon?" She ask, folding her arms, quickly retracting them to hold onto the fur when she almost falls off.

"You're the last of the eight chosen ones, and we are going to New Olympia." He explains, turning to look at her. "You have no idea how long it took to find you." He says as Y/n nods gently, trying to take in the information.

"You will see some kids waiting there to meet you. Their leader is Jay, he has the chestnut brown hair, now here we are." Hermes continued to explain, to which she still didn't understand.

She got off and started to rub her temples. "Okay so what now- hey, where did he go?" Zena asks to no one but herself. "Okay, so he said find a boy named Jay he has brown hair." She mumbles to herself over and over again as she walks towards the school doors. She opens the door and sees seven teens, each doing their own thing.

"When is this new girl supposed to come im starting to geet wrinkles because im stressed, what if she never comes?! What if something happened to her?" Asks a clearly stressed blonde haired boy with a black and white shirt on.

"Calm down Neill, its not the end of the wold if she doesn't come." A purple headed boy responds, trying to calm his friend down.

"It technically is since we need all eight members to defeat Cronus." Another male chimes in, fixing his glasses on his face.

Zena closes the door gently behind her, weary to make any sounds that would alarm the group. "Um, hello?" She asks, waving wearily whilst holding on tightly to her book.

"Hey, you must be Zena! Im Jay, this is Teresa, Atlanta, Herry, Oddie, Neill and Archie." He introduces everyone, pointing at each one he gave a smile.. except for the purple headed one. "Archie." Zena recites in her head as she takes in his facial features.

A mix of 'hey's' and 'hellos' were exchanged between the group of teens, trying to show their manners.

"So if im correct you guys are all descendants of Goddeses, right?" She asks, waving a finger at everyone. "So are you." Quipped one with rectangular glasses, "Oddie!" She remembered in her head, she smirks as she gives herself brownie points.

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