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Shantí reached for Jennifer's arm successfully grabbing it. Jennifer caught on and held onto Shantí's arm dancing to 'Girls Need Love.'

The two friends were enjoying each other's company until the song reached it's end. Shantí let go off Jennifer and wandered off towards the kitchen.

The smell of marijuana hit Shantí's noes once she stepped into the frame of the kitchen's entrance. She was high just from the smell and the clouded air. "Enjoying yourself?"

An unknown person said touching Shantí's exposed shoulder. She turned her head slowly looking at the hand that was placed on her shoulder.

She turned around and was met with his smooth brown eyes. Ashanti looked him over slowly starting at his face and moving down.

She noticed very small features that were different about him. I mean it's been ten years since the two last saw each other but she could spot him out in a crowded football stadium.

His tongue briefly licked over his bottom lip. He turned his head more towards Shanti to get a better view of her small frame.

"Bakari." Shantí whispered softly

His eyebrow arched as he looked down at Shanti. The two stood there for a moment frozen and just staring at one another.

"Well isn't this awkward?"
Shantí's stare was taken away from Bakari and was now on Leilani who had just entered the kitchen.

Shanti turned away from both Bakari and Leilani as she grabbed her drink and made her way back into the crowded living room. Shantí's feelings and emotions were all over the place. She didn't know how to feel, but then again there wasn't any feelings there.

Shanti sat alone in a corner, nursing her cup that was filled with Hennessy.

Audrey, Jennifer, And Bianca soon joined her and was genuinely concerned about their friend.

Audrey's eyes drifted off into the crowd and spotted Bakari and Leilani dancing. Leilani had her back turned towards Bakari and was winding herself into him.

Jennifer soon spotted the two and so did Bianca. "Ain't that ole dude from the club. Why—?" Jennifer started off but soon stopped when her eyes fell on Shanti whose eyes were glossy.

"I love him. I've always loved him. I was a cold-hearted bitch to him growing up, but underneath that I loved him and—" Shanti choked and tears started to fall from her eyes.

Bianca went in to hug her but Shanti stopped her. "I let him go and my cousin got him but it was suppose to be me. I just had to get in trouble, I just had to be a dumbass kid."

Shantí started to tug at her hair but was stopped by Audrey's arms extending around her. Jennifer and Bianca joined in on comforting Shantí. 

"bestfriend!" The girls separated quickly and Shantí wiped away her tears and plastered a fake smile on her face to hide her pain.

"Hey Trai!" Shanti wrapped her arms around Trai's waist. Trai hugged onto Shantí rocking them side to side.

"I missed you girl. You don't know how to text a nigga back nowadays."
Shantí smile become a little bit real hearing her bestfriend's words.

"I know you ain't talking Traicy." Bianca said mushing Trai on the side of his head. "Don't be saying my government name little girl before I show you da business."
Trai held a smug look on his face  looking at Bianca.

Audrey and Jennifer both shared a laugh before sparking up a conversation within the group.

Everyone was laughing and enjoying each other's company but Shanti was zoned out and was thinking hard.

What if she did stay in Philadelphia? Would Bakari and Her be together?

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