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I stood by a lake filled with lotus flowers. It was beautiful, well that was until I was under the surface of the water.

I tried to scream as I thrashed around desperately trying to escape. My head racing my lungs burning and my body going numb. That's what I remember well that's all I wanted to remember.

A tight cold hand around my neck constricting holding me down stopping me from escaping. That face that smiling face that held enjoyment in my endless suffering. As those eyes. Those cold empty eyes searching for something to fill their void.

And lastly darkness I was finally surrounded by the pleasing darkness. It wrapped around me protecting me for the reality. Shielding me gripping me. Trapping me. I would always come to the darkness the only place that always accepted me no matter what. It always has and always will welcome me into its cold embrace.

And yet I was always dragged away back to reality. The never-ending suffering. The pain would always continue unless I stopped it. Unless I took control. Unless I made a decision for myself once. And I did.

I made a decision that would end all the suffering. That would set me free form my bindings. A decision that I didn't hesitate with for even a second. A decision that would let me be comforted by the darkness forever. The easiest decision I've ever made.

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