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I sat in front of jushiro just finishing his cheek up. I ran my fingers through my long pink hair as my stress got worse. Jushiro looked into my eyes and I returned his gaze.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said simply.

His eyebrow raised not believing me.

"and I'm the healthiest person in the soul society." He said.

I looked at him like he was an idiot. I knew it was a joke but lying to me in general was stupid. I could tell when someone was lying. Well most of the time. He laughed as a smile graced his face.

"You know when you catch someone lying your eyes narrow and your nose crinkles. It's cute." He said.

I froze as I packed up. I couldn't bring myself to look at the white haired captain. I felt my face slightly heat up.

"Cute like a little brother!" He quickly said.

I looked up at him slightly. Was he seriously comparing me to a little boy.

"I'm stressed because for the Heath exam that's coming up I have to handle all the captains and lieutenants because our captain and lieutenant will be overseeing. I should be leaving now." I said leaving.

I walked out of his squad and sighed. What the actual heck just happened. why did I react to him calling me cute? He didn't mean anything by it. Cute like a little brother. I scoffed with an eye roll. That's not how to impress a girl.


"Cute like a little brother. Jushiro you've been out of the dating game to long. You really need to learn how to flirt." shunsui said with a sigh.

Jushiro have a light glared at his friend that found amusement in his current predicament.

"I didn't mean it like that. Oh jeez, I made it even more akward than before." Jushiro said with a sigh.

" she thinks you're an idiot now." shunsui said with a laugh.

A defeated sighed came from jushiro's lips and he looked at the floor. He found her face appearing in his mind. He has never once seen her give a real smile. She always had that dull look in her eyes.

"I wonder what the head captain will think of our little Jushiro finally liking someone.' shunsui said with a smile.

Jushiro turned shocked. shunsui smiled getting a reaction From his friend which wasn't too hard right now. It was rather amusing seeing jushiro so flustered over a girl.

"Don't tell him. He'll wanna know who and probably interrogated her and me." Jushiro said.

shunsui smiled at his nervous friend. It was a go change seeing him like this. And he couldn't help himself from teasing his dead friend.


I barked orders at everyone trying to get ready for tomorrow's health exam. It was for all the squads. I was nervous. I was being put in charge of it and I was scared I would screw up. The captain and lieutenant we're overseeing making sure everything went smoothly so that calmed me a bit.

They made the plan a schedule and j was in charge of putting the plan into motion. I probably seemed like a slave driver right now to the others.

I sighed as my stress got worse. I haven't had good sleep in a bit and now this. One of the other walked up to me looking worried.

"are you okay Saki-sempai?" she asked.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. Just focus on yourself. You're all doing great." I said.

She and others gave me worried glance. I sighed feeling exhausted. Tomorrow is going to be worse. I'll have to deal with captains and lieutenants. I wasn't looking forward to this.

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