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We landed in the world of the living and got to our gigai's. The others soon left to go find Ichigo but I stayed behind. In fact, I went to a crater in the park.

I walked around feeling the remnants of reishi. Just by feeling it I could piece it together a bit. So I had a general idea of what happened.

I felt someone land behind me and I turned to see a familiar face. He smiled and I sighed.

"what brings you here Saki?" he asked.

"you know what it is, Uruhara, " I said.

He laughed standing by my side.

"i suppose you're still in squad four. No matter how hard I tried you always refused to join my squad, " he said.

I rolled my eyes and took a step away from him as I met his gaze.

"I didn't trust you. Besides I am happy in my squad, " I said.

I kept looking around the crater. But as I did Uruhara spoke.

"i can tell you what happened. I was here after all, " he said.

I looked at him as I walked right in front of him.

"two people were here before Ichigo. One nearly deas but not quite and another with pretty strong reishi. That person was attacked and Ichigo arrived. However, something was wrong. His reishi was slightly changing. So he couldn't fight. That's when you and Yoruichi showed up fighting the rep Arrancar's but the soon left, " I explained.

I saw him smiled as he hit his hat down a bit.

"see. This is why I wanted you to join my squad, not only are you extremely intelligent. Your abilities are also interesting, " he said.

I rolled my eyes turned away from him and back at the crater. There were two things that worrier me. One how strong the two Arrancar's seemed. And two how similar that's boys reishi felt to the Arrancars. He couldn't be one.

" do you need a place to stay while you're here? Because my door is open, " he said.

"I'll think about it, " I said.

I did think about it and here I was sitting in his store. I sat by Yoruichi healing her arm. She looked at me as the others spoke and ate. I heard Renji being teased and I rolled my eyes. Uruhara walked over to us and smiled. 

"seems you two are enjoying your reunion," Uruhara said. 

I sighed. I knew Yoruichi well considering I was in the stealth force at one point. I went to stay something back but my soul pager went off. So as I heled Yoruichi looked at it. My eyes widened and Renji ran int the room looking worried. 

Multiple Arrancar's showed up and three were on the way here. I stood up and both Renji and I got out of our Gigia's. Renji ran out and I went to follow but stopped when Yoruichi spoke to me. 

"don't be too cruel, Saki," She said.

"No promises," I mumbled. 

I soon exited the candy store and looked up as Renji stood on a roof. I took a deep breath also standing up on a roof. The three showed, and I had to admit the reishi was strong. But not as strong as the two that showed up to fight Ichigo.

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