1x13 but how it was supposed to go🥵

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She felt the cool metal of the cabinet drawers hit her back, his long fingers weaving through her loose blonde strands. Was it possible to die from ecstasy? If so, what a way to go. His lips trailed a path from her neck to her collar bone as she squeezed her eyes shut and wrapped her long legs around him, pulling him even tighter against her body.

Her hands moved to unbuckle the belt around his waist, but they were quickly knocked out of the moment by an obnoxiously loud banging on the door of the trailer.

"Is that your mom!?" Jughead ripped away from his sexy girlfriend and pulled his shirt back on, heading for the door.
She hadn't witnessed the whole interaction, just the exchange of jackets and his surprised face when she called his name. Heading back into the trailer, Betty started to gather her things, leaving Jughead to speak to his new "friends". She had to get out of here, what was she thinking? Hanging around Serpent territory after everything that had happened in the past month. Buttoning her jacket and searching for her bag she hardly registered Jughead walking towards her, she never even heard him speak her name. She jumped when he placed a hand on her shoulder
"Betty.." he started before she cut him off

"I should go. It's late, It's not too far from here.. I'll walk, the fresh air will be good for me." She moved towards the door but he quickly put his hand out to stop her

"You're not going out there on your own, talk to me. Let's talk about this." He begged, his hands playing with the buttons on her jacket.

"There's nothing to talk about, you made your decision." She wrapped her arms around herself, it was what she did when she was bidding from someone, it made Jughead heart ache to see her hide herself from him.
"Nothing's been decided, it's just a stupid jacket. It doesn't matter, you matter, we matter" he emphasized the we as she stepped back finally getting a look at him in the jacket.

Fuck. It was sexy as hell.

Obviously not the criminalistic activities tagged along with the logo but the way the jacket wrapped around his broad shoulders, his tossled black hair falling in his face, as he stared at her with wide, scared eyes. This was still Jughead, this was still the boy who had declared his love for her a mere minutes ago, the boy who had made her ache in places she didn't know possible. He was still her Jughead, just an incredibly sexy version.
His eyes ducked to meet hers before she mumbled under her breath
"Screw it"

The long pink peacoat hit the ground in seconds flat and before Jughead could even catch his balance, Betty was wrapped around him, her fingers tangled in his hair before running over the swirly snake emblazed on his back.
"I want you" She growled into his ear, her hands pulling the leather from his body as they stumbled into his bedroom.

Jughead pulled back, looking into his girlfriends glazed and lust filled eyes as she pulled off her tank top , revealing the lacy pink bra he had admired a few minutes ago. As he stared down at the perfect specimen laying on her back on his old mattress, he couldn't think of his father or the Southside or his future, all he could think of was being with Betty completely, showing their love in the most absolute way.

"Are you sure?" He asked quickly, his own shirt now laying on the floor as she gazed up at him through her eyelashes
"Never been so sure" she whispered
That was all it took for him to dive into her, lifting her by the hips and tugging her into the headboard, his jeans hanging loose on his hips while she unzipped her skirt letting him tug it all the way down his fingers tracing her long smooth legs. She whined from above him, her hands reaching for him, he dragged his palms the entire length of her body and moaned when she pressed her chest into his hands
"Right there" she let out on a breathy sigh, he glanced up to find her eyes closed as he quickly disposed of her bra, taking the time to admire her breasts before letting his inexperienced fingers wander, by the way she sighed he assumed he was doing something right. Betty could feel how excited he was digging into her thigh

"Protection, do you have it?" She asked dazed as he pulled something from the side drawer

"Never thought this would happen, dad wanted me to be prepared just in case. Never imagined it'd be with you, only dreamed it" he mumbled against her neck, grinding into her, his soft cotton boxers causing friction with the lace of her panties.

She watched as he pulled the condom on, and slowly pulled the lace away, staring intently at something she was certain he had never seen before. Her eyes took in all of him, once he finished he looked up at her with unsure eyes
"I love you Jughead Jones, no matter what you are, who you become. I love you" she encouraged, wrapping her legs around his waist and bringing him inside of her. She winced at the pain, it hurt more than she expected, but hearing the deep guttural groan of her normally composed boyfriend, eased the ache a bit.

"I love you. God I love you" he moaned into her neck, pulling in and out of her excruciatingly slow. It al happened so fast she wasn't even sure when she had hit her high, only coming down from it just in time to see Jugheads eyes roll back and his shoulders shake. He slumped beside her, dragging her into his side and peppering kisses to her hair

"Thankyou, I love you. That was.. did I hurt you? Was it awful.." he trailed off suddenly stiffening as he tried to pull away.

Betty shook her head quickly, pulling him back down and nuzzling against his bare chest

"It was perfect. Absolutely perfect" she whispered and smiled when she felt him sigh in relief.

"Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it. I won't join the serpents, I'll... I'll figure something else out" his hands played with her sweaty strands.
Betty sighed softly

"You do what you have to do. I meant what I said, I love you Jughead, no matter what you are, I'm going to love you." She turned her cheek to look at him and went breathless at the intense look of love in his eyes.

"Besides" she continued, a teasing smirk on her face "we'll finally be the real Romeo and Juliet you're always talking about" she giggled.
Jughead rolled his eyes, pulling the covers tighter around the couple
"Except no one dies, alright?."
Betty yawned, slowly closing her eyes
"Deal" she whispered before both the
love sick teens fell into their dreams.

I might be updating more often because i have written a few in advance sooo ye :)

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