"The hots for my teacher"

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Betty huffed, blowing a stray piece of blonde hair out of her face. She was going to be there all night marking papers her tenth grade English class had turned in three weeks earlier.

She welcomed the distraction when her phone buzzed.

Are you going to be home on time tonight? - Jughead - 5:52pm

No, too many papers but I will be home by 8, I promise. - 5:53pm

She sighed and went back to it. She had been putting off marking the essays knowing that not a single one of her students was remotely interested in The Grapes of Wrath. She didn't blame them but it made reading the papers absolute torture.

Another hour went by and each essay had as little thought put into it as the last. "Next class we should probably revisit the difference between there, their and they're." She mumbled to herself.

"Knock, knock." A familiar voice sounded.

Betty looked up to see her fiancee, Jughead Jones, strolling into her class room. He was wearing dark blue jeans and slightly rumbled light blue dress shirt, a messenger bag at his side. "I thought I'd come over and pull you away from these papers. You've been working so hard lately."

"Well, blame the government for cutting the budget to education." It was supposed to be a joke but the edge of annoyance was clear in her voice. "Thank you for coming to see me but I really need to get these done. I told the kids I'd have these back to them for tomorrow. I'm already so far behind."

"How many do you have left?" He asked pulling off his beanie and tossing it on a desk. "I want to take you to dinner."

"I have around fifteen, it's going to take me at least another hour." She pulled her hair out of her ponytail and began massaging her scalp.

"Do you mind if I wait?" He asked looking at the bulletin boards at the back of the room.

"Not at all." She smiled, flipping open the next essay.

After Jughead has circled the entire room he looked over at Betty. "You know what I just realized? I've never had the hots for my teacher." He said taking off his messenger bag and placing it on the floor.

"Seriously?" Betty asked looking away from her paper.

He shook his head. "We all know Archie had Grundy."

"She 100% should have gone to jail." Betty commented.

"And you had Mr. Stephenson." Jughead pointed out.

Betty scoffed. "What? I did not have a crush on him." She felt her face flush at the mention of her human sexuality professor.

"Oh really? 'Mr. Stephenson is so smart, he knows so much and he's so open about sex. This man is going to teach me how to have the best orgasm ever.'" Jughead impersonated his future wife.

"He was handsome." She justified, crossing her arms over her chest.

"He really was." Jughead laughed, heading to the front of the classroom. "I totally get it.

Betty rolled her eyes with the hint of a smirk pulling at her lips. "We had some of the best sex of our relationship during that time." Betty pointed out. "That class made me comfortable with my body and willing to try a lot of new things."

"You don't think we have good sex now?" He asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Its great but I mean, we did some crazy shit back then."

"We didn't do everything." He commented.

Her brow furrowed. "What are you talking about? We did that. When we were on spring break, senior year, I had too many shots of tequila and then again on your 26th birthday."

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