about me [Not riverdale]

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That's me ^ :)

I alSo watch Grey's Anatomy, Dear white people, Big Mouth and, Sex Education.

I'm in elementary school🤠

nah just kidding i'm in middle school

I secretly ship barchie :)

I live in Dallas 🤘

I was born in pomona [iTs bY LA]

I play de trombone

I have a pit bull named phantom

I have a pit bull named phantom

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That's her^ my model of a dog.

My mom met Luke Perry >:(

My life isn't that interesting

i eat subway a lot and i still like it

Pepsi spells ' is ded' if you turn it upside-down

hUmP mE fUcK mE dAdDy bEttEr mAkE mE cHOKe

that wasn't a fact i just wanted to say it ^

i have nothing else to put




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