You can look, but not touch🛸

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It was hot. More than hot actually, in fact Jughead was almost positive this summer was more akin to hell on earth.

It was early July and the heat had already exceeded Riverdale records, making it clear they were on track for a sweltering, unbearable few months.
And for the teenager whose wardrobe mostly consisted of layers, flannels, denim, and leather and of course the renowned beanie the heat wasn't exactly a cause for celebration.

Jughead groaned, head hitting the back of the vibrant leather booth he was sprawled across. The curser on his laptop screen blinked at him obnoxiously- a reminder of the words that would not come.
The agitated boy glanced around the crowed diner, finding even more cause for frustration. It seemed as though half of Riverdale's population had decided to seek refuge in the Chok'lit Shoppe, making it a little harder for Jughead to enjoy the air conditioned space he felt even more at home in than his foster house.

Just as he was spiralling into another brooding monologue about the woes of wanting to get a refill but dreading losing his booth, the bells at the entrance chimed, signalling the arrival of another patron.

It wasn't just any patron though; it was the one bright spot in this god awful summer. It was the one thing that was making all his suffering, completely and utterly worth it.

And that was Betty Cooper, clad in a tiny sundress that showed off her gorgeous, long, tan legs.

Her eyes scanned briefly around the crowded space before landing on Jughead; lighting up when they met his and skipping happily over to his booth.
"Hey you," he greeted, unable to keep the smile off his face in her presence.
"Hi," Betty returned sliding in beside him before placing her lips over his.
Jughead relaxed into the kiss, savouring the taste of her lips which were much more refreshing than any cold beverage could have been.

As she pulled away Jughead couldn't help but notice the dewy glint on her skin, the heat obviously affecting her too. He licked his lips, unable to resist the enticing sheen and wanting nothing more than the trace the column of her neck with his tongue.

"How are you coping?" the blonde asked in mock concern, shifting in the booth so that her back was pressed fully against the cool leather and revelling in the relief in brought her.
Jughead rolled his eyes at her obvious teasing, pulling his laptop shut.

"I didn't think I would find hell this early on but here we are," he drawled sardonically.

Betty snorted, shaking her head and sending the curls of her pony tail bouncing
"It's not that bad Jug, and it's air conditioned in here."

"I was talking about the crowd not the weather Betts."

She couldn't help but laugh properly at that, turning her body toward him and basking in the light humour in his blue eyes, thrills tripping down her spine at his inviting smirk.

"So you've warmed up to the heat then?" Betty asked with a wry smile at her own pun.

Jughead quirked a brow, amused at her awful attempt at humour.
"Well there are certain aspects of it that I'm partial to..." he trailed off, his tone full of implication as was the hand creeping up her thigh.

"Oh really? Like what?" Betty asked innocently, inching toward his lips again.

The rest of the world was melting away- figuratively or literary they weren't sure- as the booth became their little haven of young love, flirtatious banter and steamy infatuation. The air was becoming thick as Betty placed one leg on the seat so that her shin was flat against the leather and her body was nestled between the table and his black ripped jean clad leg that was bent and resting behind her.

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