Saints and Sinners

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 im sorta dying ngl. so i like this guy. lets name him joe cuz why not. and joe dated my best friend not to long ago and i dont know what to do :( people keep consistently telling me that he likes me but like i couldnt see us dating.

Betty Cooper has always deemed herself to be the strong, independent woman who knows the better of everything. But that never implied she wasn't prone to jealousy. And when she saw Southside High's very own Mafiosa, Toni Topaz sitting beside Jughead at the cafeteria leaning onto him with her legs crossed idly on the table, her insides convulsed in swirls of jealousy so strong even she hadn't known there could exist. Betty could feel herself suffocate as the sound of girly snickers coming from this one particular table surged into her senses. Toni was talking in between her giggles and god knows what it was about but she had managed to score Jughead's attention oh, and not just that he was even laughing.

Looked like he really enjoys hanging with her. Wonder what that girl was all about.

Betty shrugged the thought away with a sigh. It had been so long since the last time they met. At least a a month ago. Travelling from one side of the town to another was difficult for either of them and now with Jughead joining the Serpents, there was hardly any time when he'd not be preoccupied. Of course there was skype and text messaging but no matter how naff it sounded, Betty missed Jughead. She missed working on the Blue&Gold with him after school and she missed his little beany hat and god, how the skin of his palm feels on her neck. But most of all she missed his presence around her.

And here she was, travelling 10 miles on a bicycle wanting to surprise Jugheadd by making an appearance at his school??? What was she even thinking. He clearly was having the time of his life in a place where he says he fits in and dear god, how many times has he mentioned he absolutely hates surprises?

Betty felt dejection form a lump in her throat. She clenched her hand into a fist and subconsciously let her fingernails dig deeper into her skin and made up her mind to leave.

Betty wasn't wrong, actually. Jughead was really into Toni Topaz but not exactly how Betty thought it to be. His instincts towards Toni was very and only friendly. It was safe to say that Toni was his only friend in Southside High, going by the kind of social grip he has and jughead indeed enjoyed her company.

But today was different. Today he was distracted. Today, he was missing Betty way too much to focus on any other thing and while sitting with her at the cafeteria when he had let his eyes wander off, they had hitched onto a familiar pastel cardigan and blonde hair tied in a pony tail.

"Betty" Jughead rose from his seat, his lips involuntarily curving into a smile.

Betty stopped in her tracks hearing her name.

Her name, his voice. God it had been so long. She turned to face him breaking a soft smile.

"Why were you-How did you get here!" he spoke, putting his arms around her.

"I-uh" Betty ventured, haltingly. "I just thought I could come and see you. In your new school."


They held hands as they walked back from school to Jughead's new home. It was a trailer that one of his mates from the Serpent's group offered to him after he was asked to evacuate the previous one, for security purposes. Betty hadn't spoken too much on the way. The thought of Jug and that girl from the cafeteria throbbed in her head. At one time, she even considered she could be over-thinking. And it wasn't like Betty and Jug were girlfriend and boyfriend. Truth is, they never got a proper closure to what was going on between the two of them.

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