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so like i still like joe but because im a lOsEr im not gonna tell him, and wait for him to make the first move, and if he asks me out or whatever ill cOnsuLt with my friend first. Honestly dont think he likes me tho. like i believe it but i dont yk? aNywAy go on read the smut you came here for you chesseburger (yes i called you a chesseburger what are you gonna do about it)




"What are you doing here, Betty? Go home." Jughead's bag drops as soon as the door shuts behind him, not even tearing his eyes away from the floor to know that she's spread across the bed. Her eyes are boring into the ceiling as she chips the nail polish off her fingers, something her mother always appalled. Why can't you just act like a nice young lady for once?

"I'm bored." She drones on, shifting slightly to lean on her elbows, looking over his tense appearance.

"Archies down stairs." He points out. They've been screwing around as Betty calls it, never going in to further detail when he asks. His eyebrows raise when she lets out a sigh, dropping from her position back onto the bed again.

"Yeah I know, whatever. What's up with you? Why do you look like that?" She picks at her fingers again as he lets out a huff, kicking off his shoes.

"Sabrina." He breathes out and she already knows not to ask any further. The girl was a bitch. Not just the petty high school kind, she was a crazy bitch.

Jughead motions for her to move over on the bed, but her eyes just bore up into his, making him let out another sigh as he pushes her onto her side. The moment his back hits the bed she retaliates quickly, flipping over and kneeling next to him, the mattress dipping under the both of their weight. She rolls over again, purposely crushing herself against him. He doesn't waste a second pushing her back over onto the mattress.

They were way beyond the point of being gentle with each other, pushing and kicking each other all over the place. And they didn't go any easier on each other with words. They called each other out on their shit, and they did it often, because quite frankly they wouldn't listen to anybody else, even if the exact same words came out of their mouth. They were harsh with each other, but it worked for them.

"Why are you here again?" He blurts out and she sits up from her position on the bed, grinning down at him mischievously, even though her eyes were still dull.

"What? You don't want me here? Do you need to like, jack off or something because you could do that here, I don't care." Her teeth tug gently at her bottom lip, trying to stop herself from the giggle erupting from her.

"Jesus Christ, Betts, what the hell?" He groans and her shoulders just shrug.

"What's the big deal? I know you do it, I don't care. I do it too." She drops to the bed yet again and he lets out another groan.

"Oh my God Betty Cooper I swear-" Her eyes roll at the call of her full name.

"It's my job to make you uncomfortable at all times." She hums, laughing lightly afterward, her eyes finally filling with humor. He can't help the small chuckle that escapes his lips. It was true, she loved making him uncomfortable. It's not like it was hard to do, besides she thought it was cute, the way his nose would scrunch up and he would avoid all eye contact. She loved making him squirm.

A moment of silence passes before there's a knock at the door, neither of them moving, knowing it's bound to be open anyways.

"Jughead-oh Betty, I didn't know you were here, I thought you'd be- never mind. Dinners ready, you're welcome to stay sweetie." Fred explains quickly. Betty shifts on the bed, and nods, slightly annoyed he would assume she would be with Archie. Surely they didn't know she was just screwing around with him, screwing around meaning just a heavy make out once and awhile, but she wasn't anybody's to be assigned to. This is why she didn't do relationships, neither did Jughead, one of the only reasons they got along.

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