Annoying neighbour

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Time: 5:00pm

"*phew*", Army exhales as he placed the final box on the floor. He fixed his posture and looked around his new apartment. "This should be the last of them", he states with a joyous grin. "Easy for you to say", a tired groan creeps from the left. A pink headed inkling equipped with a golf visor wearing a cyan Hawaiian shirt, peeps from the left corner. "It felt like the boxes were endlessly kicking in, since I was the one doing most of the work" said the pink inkling tiredly . He walks closer to Army scratching his tentacle. Exhausted.

"Hmph, I didn't ask for your help though. You just barged in while I was unloading my luggage". Army replied cross-armed, glaring at Aloha with the wtf kind of look.
They were now standing face to face, an inch apart. Army was around 15 cm shorter than Aloha so he had to tilt his head up inorder to make eye contact.
"Well I didn't want my dearest, midget of a neighbour. To unpack his various belongings in such massive space by himself."
He grabs Army by the chin, a smug like smirk appear on his features.

"For what kind of man would I be?~~~" Aloha winks teasingly.

"Tch, oh hush party animal". Army grunts, as slapped Aloha's hand away, blushing.

"Awww how cute little Army is mad~~~", Aloha mocks him, as he chuckled at Army's prideful charm (that he loves sooooo much wink wink)
(Army's inner thoughts: geez of all the rooms the apartment complex could've assigned me to. They just had to give me the one next to this dingus)
"*sighs* Don't you have a party or something to attend to, you know instead of bothering me?" Army scoffs, slightly annoyed that Aloha hasn't left yet. Usually he could handle Aloha's mockery, though he would still be quite irritated. Heck Army would sometimes take note of Aloha's flirts in his manual just so he knows how to counterattack them. But today Aloha seem a little bit more.... clingy... gleeful... more annoying than his daily average. Army exhales through his nose. In his own pace, he shuffled across the boxes, walking to his kitchen area.
Aloha eyes Army lovingly, checking him out whilst he was walking, with a gentle smile. He was delighted that Army was his new neighbour. Yeah of course he felt happy that one of his closest friends moved right next to his room. But he felt especially delighted when he knew it was Army. He didn't really know why, but he preferred to roll with it. Overthinking was unnecessary for Aloha since he is too 'cool' for that. Aloha sat on one of the boxes .
"Ehh, I find teasing my sweetheart to be as just as entertaining though~~" Aloha teased.
Army's eye twitched, he ignored the pink inkling as he was pulls a curry pot out on the counter.
"Don't call me sweetheart..." Army mutters under his breath, he pouts as his face beams in a bright orange.
(Aloha: cute~~—- wait what?) a question-mark appears above his head, but he thought best to ignore it.
"By the way has anyone ever told you that skinny jeans makes your ass look bigger"  He mocks jokingly with a sneer imprinted on his face.
"Leave" Army retorts.
"Pfft, it was just a joke Curry boi" Aloha said flapping is right hand, gesturing that his statement was only a joke... or was it.
Army sighs yet again, he pouts, embarrassed. He brought out the rest of his utensils.
"Wow you must really love curry, the first things you unpack are kitchenware AHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHA". Aloha burst out laughing, pointing at Army whilst his left arm grasps his stomach.
"Shut it party animal!!!", Army finally snapped, he threw an empty box at him in retaliation to his embarrassment. Which smacked him right in the head.
"Gak!!" He groans at the sudden contact.
Army giggles at his pink friend who's in pain (kinky said Author-Chan ).
"Ahhhhhh, feisty" Aloha remarks, still groaning a little. "Hehe" Army continued giggling in a soft manner, cupping his right hand on his mouth (feminine lil baby). Aloha couldn't help but chuckle too.
Army smiled alongside, the atmosphere felt warm. Aloha stood up from the box. He walks over to Army who was unpacking in the kitchen. Aloha stood behind Army and placed his hands on Army's waist, startling him in the process.
"W-W-what do you think you're doing!?" Army yelps in confusion, the pace of his heartbeat increases tremendously.
Aloha smirks, "Your skinny jeans made your ass look bigger. So I'm tempted to feel if it's the skinny jeans or your ass is just big~~~". Aloha remarked seductively, moving his hands in slowly to grope Army's butt.
"AH AH AH W-WHAT THE HECK", he turns around and pushes Aloha flustered, his face covered in a violent shade of orange.
"YOUR REACTION WAS PRICELESS AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA", with that said, he went at it for the next 20 seconds.
Army glared at him angrily with flames in his eyes—- never mind his back is on fire—- nope he's just pissed.
"STOP!!!!", Army yells at him in great annoyance.
"AH HEHEHE~~~", Aloha slows down, calming himself, he wiped the tear from his eye whilst making soft chuckles.
Army scowls, he turned around facing the counter and flattened a box to throw away (he also wants to throw Aloha away hehehe).
"Awwwwwwwww I'm kidding" Aloha said merrily. He placed both of his hands on Army's shoulder and shook him up a bit.
"Come on curry boy, I wasn't going to actually touch your ass. It was only to tease ya, pleaseee" He muffles his face next to Army's. Army was still sulking but Aloha was being too cute so he forgave him after 15 seconds of just standing there.
"Yay!, as payback I'll unpack all of your utensils while you can wipe up the cupboards" Aloha suggested.
"You don't have too, I'm fine doing this" Army says asserting control over his task.
"Hehhh~~~ are you scared to admit that you're too short to reach the cupboards"
"HA!?" Army roared.
He brushed Aloha off his shoulders and aggressively walked towards the cupboards.
"Of course I can reach!" He scoffs.
(Aloha: ahh what a cutie~)
He thought as he began to take some cooking utensils out from another box.
Army on the other hand... oh dear.
(Army: ah— the cupboards are out of reach... err) He awkwardly eyes the cupboard handle trying to figure out how to grab hold of it. He looks around and spotted a to the box at his left so he decided to stand on it for support. Once he had a solid grip on the handle, he opened it and to his surprise——-
"KYA!!" Army stumbled off the box and onto the ground, trying not to rub his eyes. To Army's misfortune specs (not our boi glasses/Specs) of dust got in his eyes.
"Ha?" Aloha looks back in confusion.
"Ahhhhhh" Army groans trying not to touch his eyes.
"Woah, Army are you ok!?" Realisation hitting him like a truck, Aloha dropped whatever he was doing and walked straight to Army in worry that his friend might be injured.
"Mmph, some dust got in my eyes". Army answered whilst his eyes were stinging.
Aloha panicked a little, he was startled to see Army in pain (oh you'll be inflicting some pain inside him soon if you know what I mean hehehehehehehehehe yeah I'll stop now), but he knew what to do. He grabbed Army by the hand and lead him to the sink, he turned on the tap at the cold water slot. Aloha grabs Army by the cheeks, gently cupping his face in between his hands and said: "I know it might sting when you open your eyes, but don't worry I have the tap running with cold water. Just open your eyes in the water and the dust will come right off, ok?"
*Thump Thump Thump*
(Army: what is this?)
Army's heart fluttered, he stood there in awe. If he could, his eyes would've been wide open. He was taken back by Aloha's consideration towards him. Never in his life would he have expected the one and only party loving animal, flirt, reckless guy like him to be so... caring. Army can feel Aloha's thumb rub against his cheek, he was compassionate, tender loving, warm——
"Army, you there?" Aloha spoke in a concerned tone.
Army snapped out from his daze and nodded, orange imprinted on his clear features. Aloha then placed Army's hand on the sinks edge. He then grabs Army's chin with his right hand.
"Bend your head down slowly ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), I'll guide you to the water", Aloha instructed softly. So he did, he felt the water was nearby and slowly opened his eyes, it stung.
"Mmm" Army moans (no lemons yet)
"You're doing great Army" Aloha reassures, encouraging him whilst stroking his back with his left hand. Army felt relieved that Aloha was there. The water cleanses his eyes, Aloha closed the tap water once Army gave him a signal. Army stood up straight, face drenched. Aloha noticed that all the cloths, towels and rags were nowhere to be found (they're in one of the boxes). Without hesitation, he unbuttoned his cyan/light blue Hawaiian shirt, revealing his black singlet that he wears underneath. He proceeded to carefully rub the water off Army's face.
"Mmph" Army muffles in his throat as Aloha carefully wipes off Army's face with his shirt. Though Army has no idea what Aloha was wiping his face with ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
(Army: where did he get the cloth?, I'm sure that I haven't unpacked any cloths yet. smells nice) Army shivers at the arousing sent, he felt a little wet between his legs (Army: it's probably water from washing my face) (Author: sureeee). Army carefully opens his eyes, revealing the gorgeous pink inkling in front of him.
"Hm?, what is it?" Army asked confused to as why his friend started giggling.
"Pfft, I-it's just", Aloha looks at Army in the eye, adore was visible on his facial expressions.
"You look like a cat"
"Ha!?" Army exclaims flustered.
"And it suits you too~~" Aloha slyly added.
"H-how does being a cat suit me?" Army asks in a shaken tone.
"Well..." Aloha leaned his face in, slowly, getting closer to Army's face.
"H-huh—?" Army's mouth was slightly open out of shock, under his eyes were baby like red, face flushed with a violent shade of orange, his legs weakened.
"Cats are... feisty" Aloha continues, closing in the height difference.
Army was speechless, no words came out from his mouth, only weak noises that escaped his throat.
"They're also honest with what they want"  there was now a 2cm gap between the two.
"Plays dominant" Aloha says with a sneer on his face while Army was still in a daze, lost in Aloha's eyes and words.
"Independent", their noses touched. Army felt as if he was about to faint, they were standing so close to each other and breathing has became a challenge for him.
"A-Alo-ha ku—-"
The sounds of a ring tone distracts them, snapping both of them back to reality. The ringing came from Aloha's pocket.
"Ahhhh", he puts on his slightly wet Hawaiian shirt back on and reached for his phone without buttoning it up. It,was Octoglasses,
"Yee my home dog?" Aloha answers casually addressing his broham.
"AH I TOTALLY FORGOT, SORRY SORRY". Army stood there, still stunned by what just happened.
"I'll be there in 10 no make it 5 I'll book it over there, (PAUSE) ok byeee"
Aloha hangs up the phone, he looks at Army reluctantly (not wanting to leave yet).
"Um Army, sorry about this but I don't think I can help you with unpacking at the moment. You see I forgot that me and my crew were supposed to battle with all boys retro gamer team today", Aloha sulks.
Trying to regain his mentality, Army half-heartedly said:
"I-It's fine, j-just go battle your team is waiting", he says avoiding eye contact.
"Sweet, Thanks". As Aloha was running out of Army's room, Army felt his heart beat slower but he didn't feel good though...
Remembering something, Aloha stopped midway.
"Oh by the way"you're going to the thing right?". Aloha asks eagerly.
"W-what thing?", Army answered, startled.
"The ball at the New Albacore Hotel tonight", Aloha says with excitement.
"Huh, oh yes, my team and I were invited and it would be a shame to decline such an event" He answers timidly.
"SWEETTTTT, let's party until dawn!" Aloha chirps knowing that there's going to be a party.
"W-whatever, just leave your team is waiting". Army scolded (his heart was aching)
"AH RIGHT, BYE KITTY BOY" Aloha waves as he ran out before Army could retort.
Once Aloha had left, Army collapsed to his knees.
"M-M-MY HEART IS STILL BEATING W-W-WHY, IT WAS SLOWING DOWN EARLIER THOUGH (mini flashback: BYE KITTY BOY!) AHHHHHHHHHHH". Army fell on his back cupping his mouth aggressively.
(Internal Army: wait now that I think back, was he wiping my eyes with his shirt....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH)
Army was throwing a fit for the next 15mins until he hit a pause.
"... I have to take note of this event in order to find a weakness and counterattack". He says as he reached for his manual that was in his pocket.

(Aloha POV)
When I ran out of Army's room, I immediately grabbed my 52 gal from my room and booked it to the train station.
Standing behind the train station's safety guideline. I was thinking back to what I said to Army and .......FFFFFFFFFFFFUCKKKKKKKKKKK . I bobbed down hugging my knees and blushed... why was I so bold to him... I mean he's cute but...what is this feeling... I'm embarrassed but.... satisfied.
"Sir are you ok" said a worried looking lady.
"Do you need to poop!?" said her child.

Two nights was enough (Aloha x Army)Where stories live. Discover now