Mini chapter/ NON canon: Trance

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It's been a while~~~, sorry for de long wait. I dunno if I'll update my fanfic any time soon bc of school work. Soooooo
"Phew" a sigh of relief escaped Army's mouth. He took one step into his apartment room and almost collapsed. He had recently gone though an eventful day filled with non stop turf war commissions. He and his teammates had almost no moments of ease, it was hectic.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!" Army groaned as he fixes his posture.

"I really need to re-evaluate my schedule, turfing is great but non stop is too much for me". He vents.

Army walked over to his couch and practically crumbled onto it, his eyes hitched and his body ached. He slowly felt himself losing his consciousness.

"Ahhh~~~—- I feel sticky". Army came to terms that he had been sweating all day from the rigorous turfs, hence making his clothes all sweaty and muggy.

"Erghhhh, ignore it just ignore it—- ew". Army had always been a perfectionist and a neat freak, he couldn't let this kind of incompetent behaviour slide.

"I'm so tired thoughhh, erghhh", Army whined he couldn't rest at ease, aware of how uncleanly his clothes and sweat felt on this body. "*sigh*" he moaned. He got himself on his feet and headed to the bathroom reluctantly.

(Side note: Army likes showers, I dunno why I added that but clean freak Army sounds adorable!!)


Army had left his bathroom with only a single, white robe covering his feminine figure. Even after what was supposed to be a refreshing shower, Army still felt weary. He was on the verge of instant knock out, he stumbled to get to the couch, he knew that he should sleep in his bedroom but this was HIS room. No one is going to be there to judge or criticise his actions, so he thought best to just crash on his couch as a one time thing. He flopped on his stomach, laying on his couch.

"Mmm~~" he nuzzled his face on a pillow that came with the couch, immediately, he drifted off deep within his slumber.

(One hour later~~)

"AYO MAH BOI ARMY, YOU ALIVE MY BEAN!?". An energetic inkling barged in though the slide door that was located at the balcony. It turned out that the clad had jumped from his balcony to his neighbour's.

"I need to borrow some toothpaste my baby. Your front door was locked so I had to improvise, sorry for barging in" he apologised insincerely.
He heard no reply.

"Guess he's not home~" he sang.

He had his toothbrush in his hand so he thought best to brush his teeth in Army's bathroom. "Hehe he'll never know I was here", with that said, he walked straight to Army's bathroom.

(Timeskip of Aloha just brushing his teeth)

After Aloha brushed his teeth, he walked out of Army's bathroom and let out a huge sigh, he felt refreshed. He planned on not telling Army that he was in his apartment since Army would probably freak out and threaten to call the police (which is somewhat well deserved).

As he was leaving he heard a small muffle that came from the couch.

"Hm?", he sounded curiously, he walked towards the couch to see what was made the sound.

(If he was in a horror movie he would've died).

He peered from the back to the couch to see an unconscious, poorly covered Army resting peacefully.

"Ah so you were hitting the hay here aye, my sweetie~~" he cooed. Aloha rested his arms on the couch, slouching forward, he stares lovingly at the orange clad. He adored this side of Army who is just vulnerable and defenceless, he usually sees a serious and strict inkling on normal occasions. Army did baby like snores as he shifted to the side.

"Hehe, how cute", Aloha giggled softly. He stood there for a little bit, admiring Army. Soon he knew that it was his queue to leave since he doesn't want to bother sleeping beauty, Aloha tip toed away from Army's unconscious body.
Aloha was a couple of steps away from the balcony, until he stopped.
"Maybe another peek would be fine" he sweat dropped as he walked back to Army. He crouched down on this knees and looked at Army. He stares at His features.

(Aloha: Cod damn he's cute) he thought. He reached his hand over to Army's tentacles, it's strange to see Army without his beret yet is was ironically adorable either way. He nuzzled along Army's tentacles and gave it a little rub. (Author Chan: ERGH WHY CANT THEY HAVE HAIR!?)

"Gah!, this is so wrong I gotta—-" before he could even finish, he was pulled down by an unconscious Army. "Woah—" Aloha was approximately an inch away from Army's face, his eyes widen as his heartbeat increases.

"Err-" Aloha mouth was open agape, he wanted to leave but... his heart wanted this.

"A-aloha", Aloha's face darkens in pink, Army was calling out his name in his sleep.

"A-aloha, you're so-o annoying" Army grunted.

(Aloha: O-oh) Aloha sweatdropped, even while he's sleeping Army resented him.

Aloha felt down after Army unconsciously said that, but then—

"But... I don't hate that about you"

Aloha was left wide eyed. His face lit up in pink, he was mildly turned on.

(Aloha: Cod) Aloha leaned his head down, eyes closed.

(Aloha: you're too cute) Their lips locked. Aloha was in a trance, his breathing hitched as he immersed himself deep within the kiss. It was exhilarating. Aloha felt like he was cheating for making a move on an unconscious inkling but he couldn't resist it, not after what his beloved had muffled out. Aloha felt restless, he wanted to do more.

Slowly, he slid his tongue into the mix.

"Mmm!" Army winced cluelessly, it fired Aloha even more. Their tongues danced around, penetrating every inch of their mouths, intertwining each other with saliva smearing all over. "A-hhh~~" Army lets out a gasp, still unconscious. Aloha pulled his head back, he needed a breather. Army's robe was sliding off, revealing his pink nipples. Aloha stared in awe as he gulped down his saliva. He wanted a taste. He pounced his head on Army's chest and began to suck his nipples.

"Mm-ahhhh" Army moaned loudly, he twitched and placed a hand on Aloha's head, Aloha was too turned on to care at that point. He sucked harder and twirled his tongue around them, audible sounds were made, an intoxicating atmosphere.

(4 minutes later)

By the time Aloha was done Army was covered in love bites and tissues in his bin... you know what that means.

Aloha probably could've went on for hours but he came to his senses and left in a panic. Leaving a half dressed Army on the couch.

"Mmm-ahhhh" Army reached his arms out and stretched. "What a weird dream" Army grunted, he stood up and walked to his bathroom to change into his pajamas. But as he stood in front of the mirror he realized something.

"W-What!?" His face flared up as he touched the mirror to see if there was a mistake, he was covered in love bites... a lot of them.

"So it wasn't a dream ha!, ALOHA!!!" Army exclaimed.

Two nights was enough (Aloha x Army)Where stories live. Discover now