There you are... idiot

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Oki just a lil note, I'll be using the song 'Fresh start' by the squid sisters, but the twist is that I'll be using an English cover of the song. So if the lyrics doesn't match up to the original, I'm sozzy, but I believe the English cover that I found has more sentimental value than the original. Hope you understand.

Love, Author chan💕💕💕

Ps: I'm going to mark the lyrics with hearts so it's easier for you.


After the song had ended, cheers and 'Wooooos' were exclaimed by the excited crowd. But those didn't matter, the two different coloured clads only had eyes on each other. They were left as panting messes, after the electrifying song. Their eyes appeared lazy, with huge, dopey grins to match. Their heartbeat pounded loud, as their eyes gazed only at one another. It felt as if they were the only two in the whole ballroom, no the whole world.

"I didn't know captains can bust a move" Aloha mocked teasingly as he panted

"Hey, I'm no captain tonight, just me, doing exciting things, I've never done". Said Army with a smug on his petite features, panting alongside the pink clad.

"Pfft, Your grammar is off, smartass". Aloha mocks, his shit-eating grin could provoke those most composed. Which was Army.

Army's eyes widen, he wasn't insulted but he knew he had to tease him back.

"Well—- WOAH!!" Army was cut off by a group of young fans pushing in between him and Aloha.

"THAT WAS SO COOL CAPTAIN ARMY!!!" An inkling compliments, followed by cheers from the rest.

"KYAAAAA ALOHA YOURE SUCH A HOTTIE!!!" Young females squealed (men too lolol).

"O-oh thank you lovely ladies~" Aloha flirts, trying to not appear startled.

"KYAAAAAAAAAA" they squealed.

"Uh wait——" Army whimpered as the crowd soon covers the two, separating them.




His fans kept going, while the other inklings proclaimed in praise.

"Ummm, tha-nk yo—u—— woah!!". As Army was thanking his fans, a young inkling jumped into his waist for a hug.

"So cool!!" She exclaimed

"Ahahahaaaaa—-" Army sweat dropped, he was always a pushover when it comes to physical contact, well he used to be strict and wanted them to be kept minimal, but being 'friends' with Aloha he learned to accept it.

(Army POV)

Before I knew it my fans had brought me to the juice bar. They are way too nice. They're even buying me a drink. Look at all of them, trying to decide which one they should purchase.

"I think Army would like something citrus-y!!" A fan exclaimed in confidence.

"No something more mature, like cocktail!!!"

"Mature!?, that's what an adult in their early 20s would say. Vodka is the best choice!!"

"NO!" The rest disagreed, I guess it's sort of like Splatfest, but for drinks?... I hope they don't give me something alcoholic.

They're so loud.

Andddddd, they're fighting. Ahahaha..... I'm sweating aren't I?

Cod I love these guys, but........where's Aloha?. I can't help but wonder. And I can't ignore the irregular pacing of my heart. I'm definitely developing some sort of attraction to him. I don't know what it is, admiration, acceptance, friendliness, or.... love.

Two nights was enough (Aloha x Army)Where stories live. Discover now