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~The wait is over everyone~
- Nilou Genshin impact
Mornings should be a good start of the day, it should be refreshing. It's a time for Inklings to set goals and motivations to get through the day.

But HAAAA NAHHH. That's not funnnnn

A sense of dread could be felt in the atmosphere. "I'msosorryforwhatIdidlastnightpleaseforgivemeIhadnocontrolovermystrengthIshould'vestoppedearly butyouseemedtoooutofit——" Aloha went on and on trying to repent for his actions whilst on his knees. Without taking a moment to breathe, he continued to apologize for the night before. Army sits on the bed and stares at him blankly, eye bags under his eyes. They slept for only 2 hours as army's alarm clock went off. Assuming he would've been home last night.

"Im really sorry and you have every right to be angry—"


Army cuts him off before he finished what he was saying. The rambling had gone on for too long and he was too tired and sleep deprived to care. He had just figured out his feelings the night before, and now he's waking up from the "experience" from the night before. Things was moving too fast and he wanted some piece and quiet. 2 hours of sleep really does mess a man up. Also his ass was in too much pain.

"Let's... let's not mention this" Army spoke weakly


Aloha was left wide eyed. A sharp sting can be felt in his chest

(Aloha: I'm done for..... he's going to hate me forever...)

The sharp ping in his chest continued to grow, he felt a huge lump in his throat and his eyes felt heavy. He was close to tears. Army continued to speak to explain himself.

"At the moment.... I just want to go home and sleep"

Army spoke with his eyes shut, he just wanted to sleep. He stood up from the bed and walked to the bathroom to wash himself up. Getting ready to go home. Army was fully naked, in his birthday suit, Aloha glanced and turned deep pink as he looked down on instinct. Army continued to walk off with his bare butt out, he has yet to realise that he was naked.

(Aloha: Damn it! I just saw him naked last night, we slept together naked. I can't be embarrassed now... GO DOWN YOU JUNIOR!!!)

Aloha remained on the floor on his knees as gushes of steam left his head with a pink face. He was beating himself up mentally for what he did the night before. But there's no denying that he didn't regret what happened, he enjoyed every moment he spent with Army. The way he fits into his arms, the soft yet fast breathes he felt on his ear, his voice that called out to him in need. He loved it. Yet he felt guilt for enjoying it so much and disregarding how Army would've felt in the moment. Did he feel small? Defeated? Humiliated that his first time was from the back?

He had no idea how Army felt, and blamed himself. Aloha stood up from where he stood and readjusted his boxers.

"Guess I will be showering elsewhere" Aloha said with glum. He puts on his outfit from the night before and left.... But before that he left a note.

Army was in the shower staring at the wall blankly. He was still half asleep and was completely out of it.

"Last night.... OH MY GOD LAST NIGHT" Army snapped out from his daze and was fully awake. He remembered the things that happened last night and panicked.

Army continued to panic as he examined his body, he was covered in love marks and bites, he blushed in a deep orange and continued to spiral down. He was surprised that he looked mostly clean and not as sweaty as he expected before entering the shower. Though there was something that wasn't clean. Slowly, a thick fluid trickled down his thighs.

Two nights was enough (Aloha x Army)Where stories live. Discover now