Adopted by One Direction - hospital part 2

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Ok, so I felt really bad for ending the story, because I have 6.4K views.
So I am going to carry on writing this one. As well as 'Appetising'
I will be trying to update both daily. But that might not work. I'm not sure. Hope you guys are happy I'm carrying on writing this. It's taking me like 8-9 months to finally start writing this again but at least I am.

Annabel's P.O.V.

*Beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*
I started to gain conciseness.
I could here footsteps around me and I could feel monitors being hooked up to me.
'She is getting ------ she should be ------- I will speak to her -------' i heard a unfamiliar voice say.
'We just ------ to be safe ------- I'm her father I -------- to know' I heard Liams voice, even the thought of him made me tense.
'Doctor, I think she is gaining conciseness.' The voice sounded so familiar. Harry. No. Zayn. It had to be Zayn.
I slowly opened my eyes before being blinded by bright white lights. I closed them quickly.
'Am I in heaven'
I opened my eyes again, slowly. I tried to move my hand to rub my eyes but i had no feeling in your arms. They lay limp by my side. I looked around the room to see Niall in a chair in the corner, Liam, harry and louis standing talking to a doctor. Zayn by my bed side.

Zayn looked up at me. His eyes were red and puffy. Tear drops stained his cheeks.
Just as I was about to talk to Zayn, the boys were rushed out of the room. Zayn got up, kissed my fore head before leaving.

'We need to ask your some important questions,' 2 doctors came closer. One carrying a clip board. I didnt respond, I just looked at them blankly.

'We have given you a full body check and we have found multiple scars bruises and burns,' I looked down at my feet. It was nothing I didnt know about. 'And we need to talk to you about them. We need to know where you got the bruises.' Silence filled the room. 'Annabel, you need to tell us so we can help you, it's for your own safety, we won't take you away from the boys.'
'I want to be taken away from the boys, I don't want to live with them any longer,' my voice began to crack.
'They didnt do this to you, did they?!' The doctor became more concerned.
'No, that was done by my previous foster parent,' i said pointing towards a big bruise on my thigh.
'What about the one on your stomach?'
'They done that too.'
'Can we have the name of your previous foster parents so social services, and the police can handle it.' I shook your head. 'You won't be dragged into anything. And you won't hear anything of it.' I slowly nodded. You gave them the names and he jotted them down before carrying on asking questions. 'So how come you don't want to stay with the boys?' The doctor said, concern filled his voice.
'I just, I told my dad and the boys about my self harm, and he didnt take it to well. He began punching the wall. And I don't feel safe with him anymore.' I said, a tear sliding down my face.
'Annabel, he only done that because he is being protective. He wasnt there for you when you felt depressed, or when you were being abused. He wasnt there to save you. And he hated himself for that. I was talking to him just before you woke up. And he was scared you self harmed because of his reaction, and that you won't trust him again. Is that correct?' I looked towards the door. Seeing the boys pacing around outside. I nodded slowly.
'We are going to give you some anti-depressants and some insomnia pills, you don't seem to be sleeping according to the boys. They can hear you walking around the house every night.' It was some thing I didnt like talking about. It was every since. Y parents started abusing me in my sleep. I had never slept since. I kept myself awake so they couldn't abuse me whilst sleeping. 'And we are going to refer you to a councillor, so you can talk to them about your problems.'
'Problems, what fucking problems. I CAN HANDLE THEM MYSELF!' I spat. I hated being told I had 'problems'. It made me sound stupid.
'Your sick Annabel and you need to see someone about it. If you carry on like this you could be dead within a month.

Okay this was a really small Crap chapter. But I'm just starting to get back into writing this story. Love you guys - LukesGirl

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