Chapter One

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*** Author's note***

Some places in this book are real well every place is except the apartments and buisness, but the inside is completely different. The names are made up and not real people.

I did research around this area and wanted some people to feel like they are the main character.

Please vote and comment and no rude comments please, you can correct me on some things if you see anything wrong with spelling, grammar, or anything like that doesnt make sense. I love feedback and I hope that I can update at least five chapters a week, no promises really since im busy most the time. Thank you in advance.

***Also picture up above is Iris**
- the author



Chapter One

I wake as I hear my alarm blaring again for the fifth time. Slamming my hand down on it to stop the noise. I get up and notice its still intact which surprises me since it's my seventh alarm clock in the past two months. I guess the seventh is a charm not the third. As you can see I'm not really a morning person until I have coffee and breakfast.

As I get up and take a shower and do my buisness, I get my uniform out and start to put my hair in a pony-tail. Going down to the kitchen to see a note from Patty.

Already taken care of see you at the diner.


I smile and get my bag off the coffee table and start to head out the door after locking up. Walking down the street and crossing once its cleared I'm at the dinner. I go to the back and start to put my bag up and grab the apron and tie it around my waist. Heading up front to see Patty taking a customer's order, I walk up to the register to grab a note pad and pen. Stocking up on the straws in my apron with napkins also. I see that I have a customer sitting in my area.

Walking over to the elderly woman I set the utensils down and hand her the menu. " Hello, my name is Iris. I'll be taking care of you today. What can I get you something to drink?" I ask and wait for her to order a cup of coffee.

Going to get the pot and filling up the mug while grabbing sugar container and the creamers. Stuffing them in my apron and heading back to the table and setting down her drink. After giving her the condiments, I take out the pad and pen.

"What can I get you to eat? We have a special on eggs scrambled and toast or with a English muffin if you prefer?" I say and see her nod her head wanting the special with toast. Walking back to call the order to see Jorge cooking. Patty came up to me to give her other order to Jorge, I look at her once she's done.

"How was she today?" I ask needing to know.

"Good actually, hopped along and was very excited." She said looking at the other orders to see which ones are ready.

"Thank you again for taking her. Had a long weekend." See Patty knew what I did and mostly she didnt approve but since I had to get more money on the table to support me and my little girl, my friend Macy helped me out finding this other job.

"Like I said a million times before Iris, I dont mind taking care of Myrcella. She is adorable and you know I love you both." Patty said taking my hand. I smiled at her and nodded. I was lucky to have Jorge and Patty in my life, they adopted me when I was eleven. My mother died of drug overdose and since Patty was our neighbor and I had no family so she stepped up and took me. Her and Jorge couldnt have kids so she saw it as a sign that she was suppose to be my guardian.

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