Wooooo! I'm FLYING!!!!!

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"Umm..." We floated to the ground and were instantly bombarded with questions like "You're magic?!" and "Can you shoot fireballs?" After about a minute of listening to their constant flow of curiosity, enough was enough.

"HUSH CHILDREN!" I yelled. They all stopped at once, and stared at me. Ian seemed to sense my uncomfortable-ness and asked me a question.

"Glowy necklace?"




"Any idea what's going on?"

"Nope." There was a collective chuckle at that last reply, and, I gotta admit it was kinda funny. I was about to mention the fact that we were still in the middle of a forest, when my brother spoke for me.

"Guys, we're still in the middle of the forest, but now that you know about us, I guess we can just do this." All of a sudden I heard a voice inside of my head- it turned out to be Seto- and told me to grab someone's hand and fly. I did, and it happened to be Adam's.

"What're you-AAAAAAAAAHHHH..." Was the sound of Adam screaming as I shot into the air while holding onto his hand. He started squirming and I had to hold onto him with both hands because I don't particularly want to be responsible for the death of a really famous Youtuber- I might get a bit of hate!

"Hold still! I don't wanna drop you!" That stopped him. While I waited for Seto to get up there with me, I hummed 'Diggy diggy hole'.

"Brothers of the mine rejoice! Sing sing with me! Raise your picks and raise your voice! Hmm mm mm mm mm" I continued to hum and swing my arms in time with the music until someone cleared their throat. I'd forgotten that I was holding onto Adam's hand and it turned out that I'd been swinging him round and  round in the air. Oops......

Seconds later, a wild Seto appeared clutching the Benja. We shot off in the vague direction of the village, with appreciative woops and shouts from the two men.

" WOOOO! I'M FLYING!!!!!!!" That was Adam, again, being his immature self. I looked across at my big brother and we exchanged a grin before shooting off.

### Hi, I'm back again. I'm looking for a name for the villiage because I can't carry on saying "the village this and that" so... yep. Leave suggestions in the comments and I'll give you a shoutout in the next chappie! Good luck! ###

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