The Bad guy Sans's was in the living room board as fuck. Cross and Dust was visiting while thire boy friends where out.
Dust's fiance is Blueberry
Cross's husband(/wife) is Dream
Nightmares boyfriend is Killer
Horrors boyfriend is Lust
Errors husband(/wife) is Ink
Nightmare, killer, Lust, Horror and the kids all live in Nightmares mansion in Dreamtale. Dust and Cross used to live here until they moved in with their boyfriends. Error live here for less than a week befor he decided that he preferred to do his evil business alone.
Now all the bad Sans's(including error) are retired and living the rest of their lives with the ones they love.... That doesn't mean that they're nice or good or non murderous. It just means they're not looking for trouble any more. It tends to come to them.
But boredom is their worst enemy now.
Nightmare likes to stay in his non corrupt form, it attracts too much attention for obvious reasons.
Lust decides to break the silence with a question. "Soo... What's everyone's phobias?" he smirks
Dust looks up form his phone. "That's an odd question."
Lust shrugs "well we're all obviously bored so what's the harm in sharing?"
Nightmare puts down his book and takes a sip from his glass of alcohol in his hand. "Well then who's going to answer first?"
Everyone looks at Nightmare awaiting him to speak first....
Nightmare sighs "fine. I suppose my phobia would have to be Asthenophobia: the fear of weekness."
Horror chuckles "ya that sounds right." his voice is like sand paper.
Lust looks at Horror. "I think Horrors phobia is Phobophobia: the fear of fear."
Horror stands up and yells. "What no! I don't have any phobia!"
Lusts laughs "your just proving my point!"
Horror pouts "well its not like you can blame me. If you grew up in Horrortale then not meany would really scare you. Horrortale has the worst spiders, the worst snakes, the darkest shadows, and well you get the point. Not many things scare me but when I do get scared IjuatstartfreakingoutandmyhandsstartshakingandIdon'tknowwhatI'msupposedtodo."
Nightmare rolls his eyes(?) "and what about you Lust?" he asks
Lust looks over at Nightmare and smiles "I have Virginitiphobia: the fear of rape!" he winks.
Everyone gets a little concerned.
Horror looks at Lust and shrugs "well I guess that does make sense considering where your from. Not sure why your smilin' so much though."
Lust shrugs to "I'm not afraid to admit it and your right it does make sense for me. Another thing that makes sense is that the whowl Multiverse thinks I'm just like everyone else in my au! BUT ANYWAY! KILLER WHAT'S YOUR PHOBIA!? (please change th' subject💧)"

Bad guy Sans's
FanfictionDust's fiance is Blueberry Cross's husband(/wife) is Dream Nightmares boyfriend is Killer Horrors boyfriend is Lust Errors husband(/wife) is Ink Samuel, Scrooge, and Dark are Nightmare and Killers kids Lurro, Tacky, Desire, and Luxath are Horror and...