Dust's fiance is Blueberry
Cross's husband(/wife) is Dream
Nightmares boyfriend is Killer
Horrors boyfriend is Lust
Errors husband(/wife) is Ink
Samuel, Scrooge, and Dark are Nightmare and Killers kids
Lurro, Tacky, Desire, and Luxath are Horror and...
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(Luxath is in the middle, Desire is on the right, Neon is on the left)
Luxath and Desire are both Bloodlust children Neon is a SciFresh (idk wtf) child
Luxath's pov
First day of the new semester, new classes, new people, new teachers, more people asking/staring at my cracks in my skull. I'm 15, in grade 10, yay! I sit at a empty desk in my math class, I'm a little early so not everyone's here yet. I notice a girl right beside me righting on a piece of paper, she has interesting halo, looking things floating around her head. Cool.
She started to seem nervous, probably 'cuz I'm staring. "Cool halos." I say, she looks up at me with a nervous smile. "Er, thanks. Cool... Cracks?" she says. "I was born with them. You?" I ask. "Same." she answers.
After that we sit in awkward silence till the teacher walks in and starts the lesson on algebra or something, I right the notes but that doesn't mean I understand the words he's speaking or righting on the board. When he was done the lesson the teacher assigned the worksheet and the homework.
I stair at the first question for a full minute, I grown and look over at that girl beside me, she's already finished the second question. "Er... Can you help me with this? Please..." I ask. She looks up at me and looks at my paper. "Oh, sure." she explained the question and then she helped me with the next one, after that I think I can do the rest on my own. "Hey what other classes do you have?" I ask. She gives me her schedule, I look and see we have math and science together. "We got math and science together. You good at science too?" I ask. "Ya, I love science!" she says. "You know what that means?" I ask "What?" "it means if we have any science projects then your the first person I'm coming to!" I say smiling. She smiles brightly, a little less nervous than befor. "Name's Luxath! And you?" I ask. "Oh, I'm Neon." she says. Cool name. Soon the class ended and we parted ways.
My next class is English, greeeeat! I walk into class and see my older brother Desire. It's not wrong to love your siblings, but it's... Frowned upon to love your siblings in the way I do for Desire. Thankfully Desire loves me the same way. We found out that we like each other a while ago. Though we haven't done anything about it. We kiss every once in a while, but it's mostly just a quick peck or a kiss on the cheek. Our mom is like a blood hound when it comes to sexual tension, or any kind of romantic feelings. And then Nightmare's brother can litterly sense positive feelings, so we make sure we're pretty much never in the same room when uncle Dream is near.
I smile at Desire and he smiles back when he notices me. I sit beside him. "Hey! What classes do you have?" he asks. "Math in the morning, then English, Science, and finally PE." I answer. "Sweet we have PE together aswell as English!" he smiles. Class starts and we listen to the teacher talk about what we're going to do in this class. When they're done talking it's lunch time. Finally.
"Let's go find Samael." I say, grabing my stuff. He grabs his stuff and grabs my hand. My face heats up slightly. "Do we have to?" he asks. "I mean we can just lie and say we stayed in English." he says. I pull his hand close to my face and press it against my cheek. "You ask that every time class ends..." I say "I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to." he says. I smile and kiss his hand, making sure no one was around to see. "No... We can't." I say sadly befor pushing his hand away. "Let's go find Samael befor he Cole's looking for us." I say walking towards the place we usually hang out in. Desire follows me.
Me and Desire are in grade 10, Samael is in grade 11. In the middle school, Scrouge is in grade 8 and Lurro is in grade 7. In elementary school, Dark is in grade 5 and Tacky is in grade 4.
The seven of us are the children of the bad guy Sans's. Well. Apart from uncle Dust and uncle Cross. But, they married the star Sans's and moved out of the mansion. So they don't count. =)
Yes we know that our parents are RETIRED mass murderers, all we can say is that we're not our parents. Well not really. We haven't killed anyone, yet. Not planing to either, but shit happens. Especially when there are a lot of people who would like to see your parents dead or worse. Ya, worse than dead. We protect each other from anyone that might want to hurt us to get to our parents. No one at school knows who we are, it's better that way. You know you have a fucked up family when the youngest reads porn magazines and wants to chop someone in half with their big ass axe. Ya, Tacky has a big ass axe. Don't ask me where she got it. And don't ask me where she got the porn either.