King Nightmare, ruler of the evil kingdom.
King Killer, Nightmares heir to the throne(basically the gueen) and husband.King Dream, ruler of the good kingdom.
King Cross, Dreams heir to the throne(basically a queen) and husband. (Previously served Nightmare but ran to the good kingdom)Sir Blueberry, a knight of the good kingdom. (Secretly dating a knight of the evil kingdom)
Sir Dust, a knight of the evil kingdom. (Secretly dating a knight of the good kingdom)Sir Horror, a knight of the evil kingdom. (Secretly dating his squire)
Lust, a squire of the evil kingdom. Horrors squire specifically. (Secretly dating his knight)Ink, a messenger between kingdoms and towns. (Secretly dating a merchant)
Error, a traveling merchant. (Secretly dating a messenger)(The reason why Ink and Error aren't knights is because they don't like to stay in one place for long)
King Reaper, ruler of the kingdom of the dead. (Secretly dating a knight)
Sir Geno, a knight of the death kingdom. (Secretly dating the king)Prince Goth, the prince of the death kingdom, heir to the throne. (Secret child of the king and a knight) (secretly dating the prince of good)
Prince Palette, prince of the good kingdom, heir to the throne, eldest son. (Secret child of the king and a messenger) (secretly dating the prince of death)
Prince Samael, prince of the evil kingdom, heir to the throne, eldest son.(does anyone have any suggestions for a ship for Samael?)
(I'm thinking Shino, an Afterdeath child)Paperjam, a orphan boy on the streets of the good kingdom. (Spys on a stable boy)
Fresh, a stable boy for the kingdom. (Secretly knows he's being spied on by a cute boy)Anyone can use this if they want, just please tag me. I would love to read what you come up with.
Also, is there anyone else you'd like to see?

Bad guy Sans's
FanfictionDust's fiance is Blueberry Cross's husband(/wife) is Dream Nightmares boyfriend is Killer Horrors boyfriend is Lust Errors husband(/wife) is Ink Samuel, Scrooge, and Dark are Nightmare and Killers kids Lurro, Tacky, Desire, and Luxath are Horror and...