Nightmare defends hight. "No Way! I Am Much Taller Than Cross!"
Cross trys his best to not laugh at the scene playing befor him. As horror laughs his ass off and Dust just don't give a fuck.
Killer puts his hands in front of him. "I could have sworn Cross is taller."
Lust walks into the room. "I'm Here! I'm Queer! What the fuck is going on?" ✨
Horror laughs "I'm here, I'm queer??"
Lust shrugs "don't ask. I'm not quite sure either. But what's happenin'?"
Cross speaks up. "We're trying to find out who's taller. Me or Nightmare."
Nightmare throws his hands in the air. "Alright everyone in a line! I'm dragging everyone in this now!" 💢
Everyone got in a line that went:
(I don't know anyone's actual hight)
Killer complains "wait! Since When Was I The Shortest!?"
Horror looks at Dust for a second.... "How are you so tall??"
Dust shrugs. "Genetics."
Nightmare feels accomplished "Ha! I am taller!"
Cross looks at Lust. "Hey! Lust is wearing high heels! Everyone take off your shoes!"
Lust thought he could get away with it. "Dammit"
Everyone takes off there shoes and got in to a line again which went like:
Nightmare gets pissed "fuck!"
Horror laughs.
Lust steels Nightmares shoes and looks at them. "Oh My God! Nightmare Wears Heels!"
Nightmare gets more pissed. "WHAT?!"
Killer grabs the shoes and looks at them. "Holy fuck he does!"
Nightmare gets more pissed "NO! NO I DON'T! SHUT UP!" he grabs his shoes.
Killer laughs "so I was right! Cross is taller than Nightmare!"
Nightmare yells "No he's not!" He runs up the stairs. "Now I'm Taller Than All Y'all!"
Horror runs further up the stairs. "Nope!" 😈
Lust yells "I refuse to be the shortest!" and teleports to the roof.
Everyone yells "Oh No You Don't!" and everyone either teleports or opens a portal to the roof.
Lust climbs to the top and so does everyone else. Then they start fighting over the top of the roof.
Mean while the kids are down stairs judging their parents.
Samuel: the oldes one of Nightmare and Killers kids says to little baby Tacky: the youngest of Lust and Horrors kids. "Don't learn how to be reckless because of our idiot parents."
Lurro: one of Lust and Horrors kids says. "They're going to kill themselves if they're not careful..."
Desire: Lust's and Horror's second oldest laughs "since when has any of our parents been careful?"
I don't know everyone's actual age but this is how it goes in my head.
(Oldest to youngest)(just the kids)

Bad guy Sans's
FanfictionDust's fiance is Blueberry Cross's husband(/wife) is Dream Nightmares boyfriend is Killer Horrors boyfriend is Lust Errors husband(/wife) is Ink Samuel, Scrooge, and Dark are Nightmare and Killers kids Lurro, Tacky, Desire, and Luxath are Horror and...