Inspired by Genos Christmas party.
Nightmare and the rest of the bad guys came to the yearly Christmas party, it's mostly just Sans' that go to this party so you can imagine that this party is always chaotic.
The bad guys usually don't go, because they don't want to start unnecessary fights on Christmas.
But Nightmares oblivious brother forced them to go this year.
So whatever fights that occur tonight, will be Dreams fault. =)Nightmare has been mostly reading the whole time. But now he's board, he walks over to the food stand and grabs a plastic cup.
Normally Nightmare hates sugar, but he has nothing to do and he's not aloud alcohol since the intervention about his drinking problem, so the drinks are limited for him. He fills his cup with a probably very sugary punch.
He leans against the table and goes to take a sip of his drink, then Blueberry appeared out of nowhere and smacked Nightmares drink out of his hand.
"Blue?! What the fuck!?" Nightmare yells.
"The punch is spiked! You can't have alcohol!" Blue says.
"Seriously? You spiked the punch and the eggnog?" Nightmare wines.
(August 2019⬆⬆⬆)
(Ya I gave up on writing this chapter a long time ago.)
(Welcome to November 2020 ✨✨✨✨ this year was Shit! Good it's almost over!)Blue giggles nervously.
Nightmare just grumbles in response, what the hell is he supposed to drink now? Tap Water?! Or is that alcoholic to!?Horror's currently tied to a chair with a normally crazy amount of rope. But Horror's eating problem with food addiction made him almost eat everything on the snack table.
"Lust please!" Horror crys to his boyfriend, hoping that someone will save him from captivity.
"Nope!" Lust replies bluntly as he eats a small sandwich from the snack table."Please! I promise I won't eat everything! Just one thing! Only one!" poor Horror whines desperately.
"Lire!~ I'd let you go, but Nightmare would kill me." Lust admits.
Killer is playing a game of cards with Geno and Cross.
"Fuck you! I win!" Geno announces to the other two.
"You Cheated ass hole!" Cross gets pisses off. He hasn't won a single game so far."You where the one who was cheating off of your drunk hubby. And You Still Lost! Ha!" Killer laughs.
"I was not cheating! And Dream isn't drunk!" Cross insists, crossing his arms in protest.
Meanwhile, Dream's vErRy SnEaKiLy, peaking at Geno's and Killers cards.
Dream's focused, all his attention is on the cards, they are cards, made of paper, there are multiple of them... Dream wonders why he's looking at cards again. He also realizes that they aren't playing go fish.
"Hey Dream!" A voice appears from the cards! Oh wait, that's Geno...
"You alive over there?" Geno asks. Killer and Cross are all staring at him slightly concerned.
Geno also looks somewhat amused."More alive than you." Dream answers.
Everyone is a little bit surprised by Dream's insensitive remark.
Geno laughs hysterically, he's never heard Dream say something like that before."Oh Stars! That Was So Rude! III'MM SOOORRY!!" Dream starts crying.
"What did I say? Drunk." Killer tells Cross.
Cross sighs and goes to comfort his drunkenly emotional husband."I'M Sorry! I Didn't Mean to Say That! I just really- *hick!* I love my friends! And I love you! And I miss my- crown! I'm missing My Crown!" Dream rambles on as he crys, it's hard to tell if he even know's what he's talking about any more.
"It's on your head Dream." Cross tells him.
"Oh... SEE! THAT'S WHY I NEED YOU!" Dream yells.Cross takes Dream to go sit down, Dream probably could use a nap by now.
Ink is board... Time to start some chaos.
"Ink no." Error says, peeking up from his phone.
"I didn't even say anything." Ink pouts."You have that look of 'I'm gonna start chaos!~'" Error replies.
"Danm. And I deliberately didn't change my expression this time. You always stop me from making things more interesting!" Ink whines."Then call me a party pooper. Just don't cause chaos. Okay?" Error knows Ink to be this way sometimes.
"Try and stop me" Ink mutters quietly.
"Nothing!"Not ten minutes later, Reaper and Nightmare are fighting.
"How the hell did you do this?" Error is dumbfounded. He was watching Ink the whole time, and Ink didn't even get up from his chair. But Error can tell that Ink caused this somehow.
"But I didn't do anything!" Ink lies with an innocent look on his face.
"AND! YOoooU! Think That your ALL High And mighty!! SO! You're so Called 'kingdom' has...... FIVE people in it!" Reaper yells at Nightmare. "I Have AN ENTIRE Afterlife!"
"Fuck off! You're drunk!" Nightmare yells at Reaper getting verry annoyed.
"Aaaaam Not! Your drunk!" Reaper yells back.
"I'm More Sober that you're fat ass will ever be!" Nightmare yells as reply.
"Please stop fightiiiing!" Dream squeaks out.
"You wanna Fuckin' Fight NIGHTMARE! I'd call you an Octopus but you don't even HAVE Eight! Tentacles!" Reaper adds.
Horror's chair is turned the opposite way off Nightmare and Reaper's fight. "What's happening!? I wanna see!!" Horror whines.
"Nightmare and Reaper are comparing dick sizes." Lust tells him.
"Oh. So there's not much to see in the first place." Horror responds.
Lust and Horror giggle to each other.
"Fuck off! You Can't Even Do Your Job Properly!" Nightmare yells back at Reaper, who doesn't seem to be listening anymore.
"Nah! Four is quad... QUAD-A-PUS!" Reaper yells out in victory. He's proud of himself for doing the math on that.
"DO YOU WANNA DIE!?" Nightmare's perfectly ready to kill death on Christmas.
PJ, Palette, and Goth push the foyer's doors open, and enter the room to see Nightmare and Reaper about to battle to the death, Dream crying, Horror's tied up, Cross was locked in the closet by Dream somehow, Ink looking like a Jams Bond villain, and everyone is a drunk idiot.
"Shit-..." PJ is surprised that there was no fire this year.
"Blue's on clean up duty this time." Palette says.
"Ya, I'm not cleaning this." Goth sighs.PJ steps forward while Palette and Goth cover their non-existing ears.
Lust trys to stay, "yay! Pink house!" but Nightmare drags him out.
Ship kids to the rescue... Again.
Yay. That was actually fun to write!
(Edit: Nightmare and Reaper's Argument)

Bad guy Sans's
FanfictionDust's fiance is Blueberry Cross's husband(/wife) is Dream Nightmares boyfriend is Killer Horrors boyfriend is Lust Errors husband(/wife) is Ink Samuel, Scrooge, and Dark are Nightmare and Killers kids Lurro, Tacky, Desire, and Luxath are Horror and...