Epilogue 1 (happy)

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"Sam!" My husband groaned, sitting up from our bed.
It's been 5 years since we got married.

"Yeah, I know." Sam sleepily muttered, getting up and moving over to the much smaller bed by the wall.
"What's up, baby boy?" He picked up our son, rocking him slightly and I smiled at the sight.

"I'm gonna go and make some coffee, you want some?" Sam hummed in response and I climbed out of bed, making my way to the kitchen, where I found Cas.

"Morning, Y/N. Why are you up so early?" I let out a sigh, looking at the clock, seeing it was almost 7am.

"John started crying, he's probably hungry." Cas nodded and Dean walked in, still in his pyjamas. He wrapped his arms around Cas, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Morning, angel." I passed my brother-in-law a cup of coffee, which he gratefully took. Sam came in only a few minutes later and I took the precious 11 month old from him.
"I think I saw a potential shapeshifter hunt in Arkansas, anyone want to come?"

"I've got to stay here and wait for Gabriel, he agreed on looking after John for a few days." I yawned.
"If you 3 want to go, I can catch up."

"I still don't trust that Archangel." Dean muttered and I rolled my eyes.
"Even if he did act as a priest on your wedding day."

"I'll wait here with, Y/N. You two can go ahead and we'll meet you there." Cas smiled at me.

"Are you sure?" Sam asked as John played with my hair and I smiled at him.

"Yeah, go ahead. Gabriel said he was coming about lunchtime." Dean took John from me and passed him to Cas.

"Then, you should go back and get another few hours of sleep. I'm sure Cas is capable of looking after John." The angel looked a mixture between confused, scared and proud.

"I'm fine." I rolled my eyes.

"Y/N, bed. Now." Sam ordered and I groaned.

"Cas, wake me up if there are any problems." The angel nodded hesitantly and I went back to my room, Sam on my tail.
I dropped down onto the bed and I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. The bed dipped around me and I opened my eyes, seeing Sam hovering just above me.

"You're beautiful, even when you're exhausted." I scoffed and he leaned down, connecting our lips.
"Don't be too long, I'll get Dean to get me and you a separate room."

"Someone's in a good mood." I chuckled and he kissed me again.

"I don't know." He grinned.
"Maybe because it's our 5 year anniversary?" Shit. I thought that was next week.
"I'm joking Y/N, wow, I thought you were about to die."

"Our anniversary is next week, you ass." I hit his chest and he laughed.

"Love you too, Princess."

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