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Hello and welcome, lovely people, to book three in the Rise and Fall series - When You Know.

Hello and welcome, lovely people, to book three in the Rise and Fall series - When You Know

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I firstly want to thank each and every one of you for giving this book a chance, and hope that you find something enjoyable, interesting or humorous within the next hundred thousand words.

While my previous two books in this series - Rise and Fall and Officially Us - have both been written as standalone novels (or attempted to be, at least), this one is probably best read once you're already familiar with the context underlying Sadie and Ruben's relationship and how they have found themselves together now. Saying that, I have tried to ensure that all the background context necessary to understand this novel has been included in the first few chapters. So, fingers cross I haven't already lost those of you who aren't up to date yet.

When You Know is written from the perspective of Madden, Sadie's adorable and hilarious nephew, and begins in the time frame immediately following the last chapters of the previous two books in this series (sorry if that's a spoiler for anyone . . .)

One of my goals for this novel was to capture the innate innocence and curiosity of children on the cusp of adolescence and adulthood, and to consider how their perceptions of healthy relationships and family are shaped by those they witness around them.

Our heroes, Sadie and Ruben, have both experienced a lot in their young lives, both together and separately, and these sad and oftentimes traumatic incidences have had a lasting impression on who they are growing into as adults and parents. Those familiar with my previous books will have gained insight into how this has occurred through the different perspectives represented in Rise and Fall and Officially Us, and I hope that by shifting to a younger one now that the true and beautiful impact of their lives can be experienced on a deeper level.

Righto - let's get into it!


Madden Carter

Madden Carter

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Sadie Blake

Ruben Foster

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Ruben Foster

Ruben Foster

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Jet Wesley

Tanner, Morgan and Willow Scott

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Tanner, Morgan and Willow Scott

Tanner, Morgan and Willow Scott

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Landon Ward

As always, and just as a common decency, please do not copy or reproduce any of my work without my explicit permission

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As always, and just as a common decency, please do not copy or reproduce any of my work without my explicit permission.

Last thing, please be aware that I am (for better or worse) an Australian, therefore write in Australian English, and with a few Australian slang and colloquialisms. A language warning is also probably necessary - sorry in advance if that offends anyone.

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