Chapter 1

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"The Tesseract is to come back with me, as well as Loki." I insist as I speak to Fury "He might have done this, but he is of Asgard. His sentence will be from my father."

"Thor!" Rogers calls as he sprints up to me and Fury. When he stops, he sighs "Your brother tried to stab himself in the stomach."

"Tried?" I ask as we're lead by Fury.

"Well, he did. But, he hasn't been hurt that badly." he tells me, before we enter a locked unit on the boat.

When the corner of Loki's hospital cell comes into view, a version of pre-Jotunheim him pops up in front of me "Come no closer, Thor. You will not recognize the Loki before you."

"I did not recognize the Loki who attacked Midgard, either." I tell the illusion, before it gives a short nod, before fading out.

When I walk into the room, I find Loki has a bandage over his stomach, and a dead look in his eyes.

Once everyone is out of the room, I look to Loki and sigh "Why would you do this to yourself?" he looks to the ground, in his straightened form, until I declare "If you think this will stop us returning to Asgard-"

"Either way, I'm dead." he states and I lean against the wall "Do you really think that your father will spear my life?"

"So, you wanted to kill yourself?" I ask and he goes silent. I shake my head "Fine, I'll bite. It takes a whole lot of pain for one to want to kill themselves."

"I shouldn't have stayed in Asgard." he states, before he squeezes his eyes shut and looks to the wall.

I sigh and cross my arms "Loki, we know you didn't find the chitari by yourself. Who were you working for?"

"If you thought I was a bad man, you would wish not to meet him." he says in a timid voice, causing me to wonder.

"What happened to you after you dropped off the face of Asgard?" I ask and he sighs "Loki, what has happened to you in the past year?"

"It's been a year?" he asks and I find he's trembling "I thought you dead. I thought Frigga, dead." he states.

"Why would you think that?" I ask.

His poster screams trauma, before he speaks softly "I was drowning. Suffocating." he shakes his head "I was fighting to get out, but I couldn't fight hard enough. The mind stone, it was too powerful."

I step towards him and ask him "The mind stone?" he nods and I frown "What is the mind stone?"

"An infinity stone." he states, before shaking his head "Thor, I've manipulated people for fun, for the past millennium, and I never knew what it felt like... but he took my mind, and unstrung it, snipped out parts and stitched parts where they don't belong." he gulps "He took my mind, and treated it like a whore."

"He controlled you?" I ask, stepping closer to him. He gives a somber nod, before I ask "How long?"

"The last thing I remember, from when I was in control, was when I let go." he tells me, before explaining "I remember most of it. I remember the conversation you had on the balcony. The moment of clarity I had. I remember the carnage."

"Did you ever have control over yourself?" I ask and he nods, before looking my way, only to look away Instagram "What?"

"I was in control for a few seconds." he clears his throat, before splitting his hair and showing me a scar at the base of his skull "And when I stabbed myself, I broke through, but it didn't last long."

I tilt his head up to examine the scar, before frowning "That could've killed you."

"Death or freedom." he declares and I back away "Either kill me, or let me wander the universe alone, because I won't prisoner."

I raise an eyebrow to him, before walking out and walking over to my new friends "He can't go back to Asgard. I think it best that he's supervised, but not imprisoned."

"What?" Stark asks as he looks me over "That asshole belongs dead. Wish he succeeded in his suicide attempt."

"He claims he was under the influence of the mind stone, for the whole year." I look back into his room to find he's pacing "If a mortal was like that, their mind would be no more."

"You actually believe that?" Banner asks and I nod "He's manipulative."

"He's the god of mischief." I tell them, before explaining "He wouldn't have done this. He attacked New Mexico because I pushed him it. He attacked Jotunheim, because they left him to die. But New York..." I shake my head "There's nothing special about New York."

Banner nods to that, before asking "Then what happens when a god is put under mind control for a year?"

"I don't k-" I look back into the room to find Loki is gone and the room is destroyed "Damn it." I sigh, before turning to the so called 'computer' and looking at the room to find a cold spot in the back corner.

When I step into the room, I speak softly "Loki, there's nothing to fear! You are safe! I am here!"

When he doesn't respond, I step forward and declare "Please, brother. Show yourself. I know you don't want to look weak, but you need help."

"I'm not your brother." I hear him say from behind me. When I turn, I find he sits on the ground, his hair is insane, he has fresh stab wounds over his chest and neck "I never was."

"What troubles my dearest friend?" I ask and he sighs "I wish to know what is wrong with you." I state as he picks himself up.

"You wouldn't understand!" he declares as he pulls on a hospital shirt "Are you going back to Asgard?"

"No, Loki." I tell him and he gives a bewildered look "We're going to stay here, for a while." he gives a short nod, before I open the door for him and usher him out of the room.

When we step out, Stark declares "If Loki shows us the mind stone, he won't be imprisoned."

"I will do no such thing!" Loki states, before looking to me "Your friends need to learn delayed gratification!"

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