Chapter 8

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The next morning, I walk out of my room to find Loki in the kitchen, loading a stack of toaster waffles with chocolate syrup. Jane scoffs "What a great breakfast!"

"Okay, mom!" Darcy states as she sips her coffee. Loki smiles at that and returns to his syrup.

After loading his waffles, he squeezes some into his mouth, before putting it back into the fridge and looking to me "Before I eat, I'm going to take a smoke."

"I'll come with you." I state and he shrugs, before starting towards the elevator. Once we reach the game floor, I find Rominoff plays Rogers in a game of ping pong.

On the balcony, Loki leans forward, on the glass, and lights his cigarette. After a few puffs, he sighs "I slept with Darcy."

"You did what?" I ask and he glares at me. I smile "Are you two a thing, now?" he shakes his head and I frown "Why not?"

"I'm dying, Thor!" he hisses and I fall silent "In case you forgot that." he returns to his cigarette, disappointedly.

"Yeah, but in a millennium." I state and he doesn't reply "Loki, you can have a great life, here! You'll find a mortal! Be happy!"

"Six." he states, before knocking the ash off the end of the cigarette "Seven, at most." he continues, before taking another drag.

Something in me refuses to accept it and I frown "Centuries? Six or seven centuries until the wall breaks?"

"Years, Thor." he replies, dryly, before looking to me "Six or seven years, then I cease to exist." he shakes his head "Why would I start something with someone, only to rip myself from them a few moments later?"

When I don't reply, he returns to his cigarette, uninterested. After a moment, he flicks it away and speaks somberly "Excuse me." before he walks back inside.

When I walk back into our flat, Jane frowns "Where's Loki?"

"Who knows?" I grovel, before looking up at the speaker in the wall "Jarvis, where's our dear trickster?"

"Loki said he's going home, sir." Jarvis states and I raise an eyebrow to the machine "To Jotunheim, sir."

"I thought Jotunheim was destroyed?" Darcy asks and I nod "So, he's just sifting through the wreckage?"

"He's pouting like a child!" I remark and they look at me in shock "He's dying! Actually dying! Six, seven years, then he's gone!" I shake my head, before declaring "I'm loosing him, and he's the one that's pouting!"

Before either of them can respond, I turn to my room and slam the door behind me.


A few hours later, I walk out to find Jane covers Darcy with a blanket. After a moment, she steps over to me "Darcy told me she slept with Loki."

"Loki told me." I sigh, before shaking my head "I just hope he's alright."

"About that." Jane sighs and I give her a questioning look "Darcy and I are going to go back to London."

"Why?" I ask, taking her hand in mine "You just got here. I haven't seen you in over a year, Jane."

"Exactly." she sighs, stepping away from me to lean on the back of the couch "You came running to earth when Loki got here. But, in that year you were gone, you didn't come to see me, once."

"I thought him dead." I tell her as she crosses her arms "He was hurting people. My father had to conjure dark magic to bring me here."

"You would've already been here, if you would've came back to me." she states, before shaking her head "Let's face it. I was just another pretty girl."

"No. You were more!" I state and she's sighs "You, understood me more than anyone else on Midgard!"

She looks over her shoulder at Darcy, before leading me into my room and continuing "Since I got here, you've been distracted."

"I'm sorry that Loki is dying!" I remark and she sighs "What am I supposed to say? It's a rough time for me! I just found out my little brother has a few years until he can't even remember his own name!"

"He's not your little brother, anymore, Thor!" she declares in a low growl, before sighing "Believe it or not, I want kids! And if I wait seven years, I won't have time for them!"

"Jane, I can't!" I call out, before motioning towards the bed "Not when I'm thinking that Loki is leaving me!"

"No, that's not what you were thinking!" she insists "You couldn't get it up, because I'm not a six-two, raven-haired, red-eyed, pale, stud."

"You're accusing me of wanting to sleep with Loki?" I ask with a stern glare "Why would I want to do that?"

"Because I see the way you look at him!" She cries out and I give her a bewildered look "Thor, trust me. I won't blame you for this. Just be with Loki as long as you can! When he's gone, I'll be there for you, as friends do." she shakes her head "But, please. Don't miss the chance to care for him."

"Jane, you're not making sense!" I insist, before stepping towards her "I want to be with you!"

She gives a soft smile, before giving me a peck on the lips "No, no you don't. But Darcy and I will be here whenever you two want us. We will always be your friends."

She starts to walk past me, before stopping to whisper in my ear "Darcy said that he's a specialist in oral."

I give an alarmed look, before joking "Well, we did use to call him silver tounged." she scoffs, before hugging me tightly "Goodbye, Jane."

"Goodbye, Thor." she sighs, before walking past me to grab her and Darcy's bag. After she wakes Darcy, they're out the door.

Not two minutes later, Loki drops into the room with a barrel "What's in the barrel?" I ask and he opens it to expose the foulest tasting alcohol I've ever tried.

"Jotunheim Jager!" he smirks mischievous, before sighing "If I only have six years to life. I'm fucking living it." he looks around "Were are the girls?"

"On the way to the airport." I sigh and he gives me a concerned look and I sigh "Jane and I are no longer Jane and I."

"Why not?" he asks and I shrug "I'm sorry. Do you want to go with me tonight? Get yourself a freaky lady?"

"I'll pass on that." I state.

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