Chapter 23

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As we march into Loki's chambers, I find Darcy lays in bed, asleep, and Loki sits at the bottom, flipping through a book.

He looks to us and frowns "Just because you're royalty, doesn't mean that you can come barging in."

"Yes it does." Odin states and Loki rolls his eyes, before returning to his book "However, we do come out of concern, for your maiden."

"She's not my maiden." Loki states and Odin eyes him over "Asgard claims to be more advanced than the rest of the nine realms, yet we refer to a woman, as if she is property, and women are made to wear dresses. It's preposterous, and hypocritical." Loki states calmly and Odin looks taken aback by the break out.

Finally, Odin speaks "Frigga, always argues that same point." he tells Loki, causing him to scoff.

"And I'm right." Frigga insists, stepping into Loki's chambers "Had it not been for your mother, you would not be here, Odin. For women are the stronger sex, as they birth men."

"Precisely." Loki enters, before closing his book and swinging his legs off the bed "I dare to think we would be better off, if the women were warriors and the men be chambermaids and child carers."

"But the Valkyrie are all dead." Odin reminds and Loki and Frigga sigh "Had they been men, maybe they'd be alive."

"Maybe if you raised your children a bit better, then they wouldn't be!" Loki hisses and Odin looks taken aback "Yeah, I know about that."

"Both of you! Stop!" Frigga insists and I move Jane out of the line of fire as Loki steps closer to Odin "What happened to the time when we used to love each other?"

Loki scoffs, before shaking his head "Love had no part in my upbringing." he looks over Odin "None."

Odin's features go blank and Loki snickers, before Frigga sighs "Loki, we cared for you dearly, and your father t-"

"HE'S NOT MY FATHER!" Loki snaps and Odin and I are taken aback by the sheer volume of his outburst.

But Frigga stays completely soft, before asking "Then am I not your mother?" Loki is taken aback by it.

He thinks for a moment, before replying, coldly "You're not."

Frigga scoffs, before placing her hand on his cheek and remark "Always so perceptive, about everyone but yourself."

Loki sighs, and is about to say something, when the sirens sing out that we're under attack "The dungeons." Odin remarks.

In an instant, Loki grabs Jane by the arm and slings Darcy over his shoulder "This is no fight for a mortal." He states, walking over to the bookshelf and running his fingers along the spine.

"Where are you taking them?" I ask as a hole opens up in front of him.

He sits Darcy down and pulls Jane in, before explaining "A safe room. I've used it a few times, to disappear when I don't want to be found. When the dark elves are gone, you can retrieve them, but for now..." he shuts the portal.

"The dark elves are extinct." I remind and he gives me a knowing look "But who else would attack us, especially since we have the Æster."

"Exactly." Loki states, before the chamber shakes. When it's over, Loki sighs "The castle is under siege! You, go stop the prisoner, I will stay here and try to hold them!"

"The Æster must be protected!" Frigga insists, before grabbing Loki by the arm "You must be protected!" she looks to me "Thor, go!"

In an instant, I fly out towards the dungeon.

By the time the dungeon is secure, I run the halls, looking for Frigga and Loki. That's when I hear a sickening sound, and turn to find Frigga being stabbed by a prisoner. I bring lightening down on Malikith, causing his face to blacken.

The prisoner lifts Malikith and I charge after them. When they too far away, I turn to find my mother being coddled by Odin. Loki stands in the doorway, a shocked expression on his face.

"You!" Odin hisses, standing from the ground "Her death is on your hands!" He screams at Loki, yet he refuses to move "Guards, bring him to the dungeons! For he shall meet the guillotine for the crime of murder!"

I stare in shock as the guards pull him off.


"We gotta bust him outta there!" I declare after I finish explaining to the girls what just happened.

When we get to the dungeons, I pull the girls into an empty cell and listen in to Odin and Loki's conversation "You will do this willingly?" Odin asks.

"Indeed." Loki states, before shaking his head "Trust me, I have no problem with it. I suppose it'll happen sooner or later."

"Tomorrow at dusk." Odin states, before storming off. That's when it hits me, they were talking about his execution.

As I step up to his cell, he slams a book shut and turns to me "How long have you been listening in?"

"Loki, enough of the illusions." I state and he gives a shocked look, before I frown "I've had over a millennia to learn all your tricks."

The illusion disappears, and I find bloody handprints and footprints all over the cell "The Æster keeps me from killing myself."

"Why would you do this?" I ask, stepping closer to the side of the cell "I know you loved her dearly, as did I."

"She was the only person who didn't see me as a monster." Loki states, before shaking his head.

"So you'd take yourself away from me?" I ask and he sighs "From us?" he looks up to me in hatred "You're coward."

"You think I don't know that?" he asks, looking up at me "You think I don't know how selfish I am? I get it Thor! I'm a big ball of negative! I don't need you telling me that!"

"Scream." I demand and his face is riddled with confusion "Get out all that hatred. Cry. Fight. Just do something."

He looks me over, before holding his hands in front of him and letting out a maddening scream of sorrow.

"That's good." I smile weakly at him, before ordering "Now, stand up and walk over here." silently, he obeys and I sigh "Tomorrow morning, we're getting you out of here. Taking you to the dark elves. We need to defeat them."

He looks me over, before asking "Where do we start?"

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