Chapter 21

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Later that night, Loki sits at the foot of my bed, reading a book, when there's a knock on my door. Loki goes invisible when the door opens.

The warrior three, and Sif, step into my chambers "We were beginning to wonder when you would return to Asgard!" Sif declares.

"I won't be here for long." I state and they give a concerned look "I will be returning to Midgard, with Loki, soon enough."

"Yes, we heard the trickster is here." Fandral gocks and I raise an eyebrow to him "Should be in the dungeons, yet he sleeps in his chambers with a mortal!"

"He doesn't belong in the dungeons." I state, crossing my arms in front of me as I step towards them.

"But he slaughtered the frost giants, and the mortals." Volstagg reminds and I sigh "He also destroyed the Bifrost, leaving Hogan away from his family."

"I destroyed the bifrost." I remind and his features go flat "The frost giants abandoned him. He wasn't in control of his body during what happened on Midgard."

"That's what he says." Hogan remarks and I give him a pissed expression "He can fake with the best of anyone."

"He's not faking." I insist and they give an unconvinced look, causing me to sigh "If you could see the deadness in his eyes when he's spaced out for a day, you can see, he's not faking."

"Please, that snake would try to convince you that he doesn't like sweets." Sif scoffs "He lies about everything! Remember that time that he tried to convince you to cut off your hair?"

With a sigh, I sit on the edge of the bed, right next to where Loki was sitting "The things that he's told me, I have seen and felt for myself. There's no way he's lying about it."

"How do you know?" Fandral asks and I glare at him "What did he tell you about what happened?"

I sigh and look to the ground "I know he can be manipulative." I look up to them and growl "But when he's spaced out for a day, so far out of reality, he looks dead." I look to where Loki should be and continue "He lays there, and no matter what I say, or do, he doesn't respond. He barely breathes, and, at times, I think he really is dead."

"He's got that big of a hold on you?" Sif asks, stepping forward "Using his illusions to make you find him innocent."

"They weren't illusions." I state and she gives a doubting look "His illusions, you can't touch them. No matter how much I try to wake him, or feed him, he won't budge."

They give a concerned look, before Volstagg asks "So, the trickster has fallen? His trama is real?"

I shake my head, before explaining "It's not only real. It's killing him." They give a bewildered look and I turn my head towards Loki, before continuing "A few months ago, he has having trouble, sorting reality from fiction. Seeing things that weren't there." their faces turn to pity and I continue "He took the magic of his vanity, and used it to create a wall from his madness. Although he is keeping them at bay, the demons will get stronger. Once the magic is used up, his memories will slip away, to the point of not remembering his own name." I wipe a tear from my eye and frown "And when he's scared, and all alone, his demons will manifest, and slaughter him."

After a long moment of silence, Hogan asks "How long does he have? A few hundred years?"

I shake my head and they give a concerned look "No, try six years." I wipe my eyes and groan "I just got him back, only to have him ripped away, only to have him ripped away in a heartbeat."

They go silent for awhile, then Fandral asks "Where's your mortal?"

"She's with her friend." I state, before sighing "In Loki's chambers. I suspect that she'll be back shortly."

"We shall leave you, then." Hogan insists, before gripping my shoulder "Shall we see you, tomorrow?"

With a nod, they leave, and Loki wraps his arms around my waist as he sits behind me "Thor?" he asks as he rests his head on my shoulder "Don't think about my death."

"How could I not?" I ask, taking one of his hands in mine, and placing it to my lips "Especially here."

"Think of the good times." He whispers, before chuckling, softly "Tomorrow, let's play chase. Perhaps, I can take your mind off it tonight?"


"What the hel?" Fandral roars and I scramble for coverage. Loki sits up and covers his eyes, as there's a lantern in his face.

After he gets used to the light, he pushes the hair out of his face and looks to me as I pull on a pair of pants "That's why you don't sleep naked, Thor!"

"Shut up!" I call over my shoulder and he snickers, before looking to the warrior three and Sif. I find they stare in utter disbelief "What?"

Volstagg looks between us, before declaring "You're absolutely barking! The both of you! Barking, I tell you!"

"Indeed." Loki smirks, before looking towards me "Verdict is still out on Thor, but I am most definately mad."

"You're mad enough for the both of us." I state, before looking to the warriors "What brings you here this night?"

"We came to alert you that Loki is not in his chambers." Hogan states, before looking us over, curiously "I do believe you already knew that."

I give a short nod and sigh "So, you will not speak a word of this, to Odin? We will be leaving in a day or two."

"May we ask when?" Sif asks, before frowning "Or why? How?"

"Couple months." I state, before shrugging "It just happened. There's no explanation behind it." Loki smiles weakly at me and I lick my lips "If you live with a dead loved one, it's the best feeling, when you get them back."

"But he wasn't dead!" Sif hisses and I raise an eyebrow to her "What does the mortal think about this?"

"She suggested it." I state, flatly, before narrowing my gaze at her "And I'd watch where you step after that comment."

"Thor, don't." Loki demands and I look to him in shock "She's right. I wasn't dead." he shrugs, innocently, before sighing "And I know it was hel, but I should've reached out to you. I'm the fool for thinking you dead."

"Don't you dare, blame yourself for that." I insist and he gives a weak smile "Don't you dare!" I repeat and he scoffs, while the warriors share mixed faces.

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