Chapter 7

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I stick my head into Loki's room and declare "Jane will be here any mom- what are you doing?" I ask as I find he lays with his stomach on the ground, both legs over his head.

"I'm not as flexible as I used to be." he states, before bringing his legs back and sitting up "In my shoulders, anyway."

It's been a month since we moved into Stark Towers. Loki, has not gone a week without sex. I have yet to see Jane. The tower has been restored to full glory. Loki returned the cat to his rightful owner. Loki has picked up smoking.

"Well, Jane has a friend." I smirk and he raises an eyebrow to me "She's single, and you might like her."

"Doubtful." Loki states, standing up and disappearing into his bathroom, only to return in a black suit and bunned back hair.

"Then why do you dress up?" I ask and he glares "You're trying to make a good first impression."

"I dress like this, every day." he reminds, before brushing past me and into the kitchen.

Our level is unique. The elevator opens up to a hallway. On each side, is our rooms. The hallway opens up to the living room and kitchen.

"Listen, I'm going to get out of your hair." he sighs as he fills his coffee mug "It's been over a year since you two have spoken. I'm sure you want some alone time."

"No!" I hiss and he frowns as he dumps a shit ton of sugar in his coffee "You can talk to Darcy while I'm with Jane!"

"Fine, whatever." he grovels, before turning to the freezer and pulling out a bag of peanut chocolates. A product called 'm and m's'.

As he pops a few in his mouth, the elevator door opens and I turn to find Jane and Darcy in the elevator.

As Jane leaps into my arms, Loki makes a fake gagging noise. Darcy snickers at that, before I release Jane and look to Loki "Really, you're going to judge me? Kinky witch!"

"I'm not a witch, and I'm not kinky!" he hisses, before offering some chocolates to Darcy, not even looking her way "Just because I've dabbled, doesn't mean I'm walking around with a whip in my hand."

"Okay, how long until you will except that you're one freaky man?" I smirk and he sets his jaw in annoyance.

"Thor, I'd rather not talk about my sex life." he states, before shaking his head "And just because I can conform to my sexual partner, doesn't mean I'm a chain magnet."

I give him an amused look, before asking "Make that phrase up yourself, did you?" he rolls his eyes and I scoff "Relax! I'm just pulling your leash."

He gives an annoyed look, before pelting me with a chocolate, before looking to Jane and Darcy "Pardon my oaf of a flatmate, would you two like anything? Pop? Water? Coffee? Tea? Sweets?"

"Question?" Darcy asks and Loki gives a continuing look "Are all Asgardians tall and handsome?"

Loki sets his jaw, not really knowing what to say, before asking "You've met Volstagg, haven't you?"

Darcy snags the bag of candy from Loki and smirks, devilishly "I said tall and handsome. I said nothing about fit."

"I'm not of Asgard." Loki states, before shifting in his place, uncomfortablely.

"I'll take a coffee." Darcy states and Loki nods shortly, before turning to the kitchen "Four sugars and a splash of milk."

Loki makes her a cup and I look down at Jane "What do you want to do today?" I ask, causing her to shrug.

"Ooo!" Darcy pipes up, before declaring "I just remembered! I had tickets to this science exhibit for today! You two should take them and go have fun!"

Jane scoffs and I frown "Loki, are you good if I go?" I ask and he nods "No, seriously. Is everything all good, with the wall?"

"Trust me, you'll know when it's breaking." he states and I raise an eyebrow to him "You will physically see it break."

"And it's not cracking anytime soon?" I ask, causing him to shake his head "How do you know?"

"Because I know." he states, taking a drink of his coffee, before deaming it needs more sugar "Go, have fun!" he points to Darcy "Maybe this one can show me a mortal's good time?"

"Yeah." Darcy nods, before shrugging "We'll go shopping, or to a movie or something." Loki shrugs and I nod.


"What's the wall?" Jane asks as we walk around the science exhibit "You were talking about it, with Loki."

I sigh and move a braid out of my face "Loki was put under mind control for a year. His mind has been played with. He was tortured for months, before."

"What does that mean for him?" Jane asks, before declaring "I mean, there has to be some blow back!"

I nod, before explaining "He was having issues with understanding what's really and what's not." she gives an apologetic look and I continue "He put up a temporary wall, in his mind, to keep his madness at bay."

"And what happens when it falls?" she asks.

"His memories will slip from existence, his demons will lead him to death, or..." I sigh and give a sad look "He has told me, he would not let himself reach that. He'd sooner kill himself, than become a burden."

"How long does he have?" she asks, gripping my hand, softly.

"Anywhere up to a millennium." I state and she frowns "Hel, he could die today. But for us, a millennium, it's a heartbeat. Loki is just too young to die."

"How old is he?" she asks and I shrug "You don't know how old he is?"

"He doesn't even know how old he is." I state and she frowns "After a thousand years, you stop caring. He's in his one thousands and sixities. Equivalent to what mortals would call seventeen."

She gives a shocked look, before asking "So, he is very young?"

"Far too young to die." I state and she nods "Far too much for him to do, still. He has yet to have children! Yet to watch them grow!"

"Maybe he'll get the chance." she shrugs.

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