Chapter 24

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"You betrayed us!" I hiss at Sif as we're surrounded by guards "Why would you do that? You were my friend!"

"She wanted more!" Loki smirks, stepping towards Sif "If you were with Jane, she wouldn't have to wait for long! But if you're screwing me, then she's can't have you!" he raises a dagger to her and smirks "Harlots get nothing, Sif."

"How are we getting out of here?" Darcy asks and Loki moves us back together, before whipping out the Æster and wielding it to knock every guard back "Man, I love that thing."

"Come on, in the ship!" I insist and we board. Inside, we sit the girls down, before turning to the control board.

As I press the buttons, he frowns "You must have missed one. Try pressing it, gently."

"I am!" I hiss, slamming my fist into the panel, which makes it turn on. With a smirk, I turn the ship.

When we make it out, Loki snickers "I think you missed one. Would you like to go back?" I glare at him and he smirks.

After a moment, he sighs "If Sif betrayed us, Fandral might have, too. We need to use a different boat."

"Any ideas where to get one in the next thirty seconds?" I frown and he gives a knowing look "Loki, tell me you disobeyed."

He bites his lip, before nodding "Do you really think I would hand over a boat to S.H.I.E.L.D, willingly?"

"You are a damn saint, you know that?" I ask and he shrugs, before I order "Take Darcy. I'll take Jane."

With a nod, he picks up Darcy, and leaps from the boat. After following, we find Fandral in the next boat over "Why didn't you use mine?"

"Sif ratted us out!" I call over and he gives a shocked look "We couldn't take any chances! I hope you understand!"

"Don't worry about it!" he calls over, before looking to Loki "I wish you two, well! Just don't kill him!"

"I can't promise you that!" Loki smirks mischievously, before nudging me "His snoring annoys me, at times!"

Fandral chuckles, before saluting a fare well, and turning his boat on the one chasing us. I look to Loki "You are taking us to your portal, right?"

"Indeed." he smirks, before banging toward a mountain "Ladies, get away from the sides! Sparks are about to fly!"

That's when I spot the cave and roar "Are you mad?"

"Possibly!" he smiles like a two year old, before driving us straight through the cave. When we make it to Niflheim, he calls out "Tah-dah!"

After about fifteen minutes of silence, I look to Loki "How has the Æster effected your blue form?"

He shrugs, before motioning for me to sit on the seat next to him. When I do, he sighs "If I survive this, I need you to promise me something."

"What?" I ask, sitting Mjolnir on the ground next to me.

He gives a soft smile, before moving a strand of hair out of my face "Stop obsessing over trying to fix me." I give him an odd look and he asks "Do you really want to spend the rest of my life, searching for help, and wasting our time?" I give a shocked look and he sighs "Let's just cherish the rest of my time here."

"But what if there's a way to help you?" I ask and he gives a doubting look "What if Stark prefects the wound adhesive, and the docto-"

"The doctor wouldn't be able to fix me!" Loki interjects and I frown. After a moment, he sighs and asks "Please?"

After a moment, I take his hand and kiss his palm, before placing his hand on my cheek "I will not fight you on this."

"That's all I ask." Loki smiles sadly and I nod, before he scoffs "The Æster is leading me to Malikith."

"Are we close?" I ask and he gives a short nod "Do you think you can continue with the plan? Is the Æster speaking for you?"

"I speak for me." Loki states, before pushing my face, playfully "Anon, you shall see the Æster overtaking me."

When we reach the peak, we secure the girls at the top, before starting towards the elves. As we reach them, Malikith smirks "Young Prince, you have brought me the Æster! Have you for bargain?"

I scoff, before looking to Loki "I have brought the Æster to insure that Asgard burns. For how poorly they treat those of a different skin."

Malikith steps towards Loki and moves his hair out of his face "And what do you wish to see?"

"I'm Loki of Jotunheim." Loki tells him, before smirking "I wish to see Odin, dead at my feet." his eyes go dark red and I can tell it's the Æster "I wish for you to take me."

After the failed attempt to destroy the Æster, and the fighting, I run to Loki's side and fall to my knees. He stares up in disbelief and curls his hands next to his wound.

As the girls fall next to us, Loki looks up to me, a look horror covers his face. He speaks, breathlessly "I want to live!"

"Stay awake." I instruct, before pressing down on his wound, causing him to gasp in pain "We need a travel ball!"

He summons his travel bag and I pull out the Avengers building.


"Stark!" I scream as I pull Loki down the halls of the lab "Stark! Help!"

He walks out of his lab and sighs "I am not playing this game again! Loki, stand up! I didn't like it the first time!"

"He was impaled!" Jane insists and Stark looks us over, before calling to Bruce. When Banner runs out, he takes Loki from me.

When I try to follow him in, Banner stops me "Trust me, you don't want to watch this. I can't have you back there."

He shuts a door and Stark pulls me back "What happened, big guy? You've been gone for awhile."

When I don't reply, Jane hugs me and I grip onto her "I can't loose him too." I tell her and she rubs my back.

"He's to clever to die." Stark remarks, before chuckling "Probably talked whatever stabbed him, away from his heart."

"Did you see him fighting?" Darcy asks Jane, before snickering "That was brutal!"

"He's a great fighter." I state, before frowning "With all his magic, he still insists on attacking someone with a butter knife."

"What happened?" Stark asks and I straighten up "You look like shit. Which is very rare, considering you're you."

"My mother is dead." I state, causing Stark to grip my shoulder "Loki was possessed by an infinity stone, and the dark elve-" I stop and look to Jane "Malikith! He's on Midgard! How are we going to stop him?"

Jane thinks for a second, before replying "Erik."

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