Ch 13: An Adorable Jerk

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     Text after text, I kept getting notifications. Every 15 seconds I heard ding. They were all messaging from Tj.



I told myself that I didn't want Tj. Even though I told myself this, I kept the heart beside Tj's contact name. I couldn't take the heart off. Today was Friday. It was wensday when I yelled at Tj, since then I've been staying home eating mac and cheese.

"Cyrus sweetie, I'm going to work now!" My mom yelled from downstairs. A few seconds later I hear the front door open and shut. I got up from my bed and went downstairs to start watching tv.

I got bored after awhile so I looked through my phone. First was Youtube. Second, Instagram. Then last of all, my photo gallery.

I looked and smiled at all the pictures of my friends. Buffy in her basketball uniform, Jonah playing frisbee, Andi painting a picture, and....Tj holding my hand in line for a muffin. When was this taken? Oh, I remember that Andi took my phone at lunch one time. She must've taken a photo of us.

I raise my hand up to my face to scratch my nose, but was surprised when I felt a wetness on my cheek. I was crying. Not much, just a few tears were shed. Still though, I miss my knight so much.

Thoughts started to swarm my mind like a colony of angry bees. I shouldn't have yelled at him. I should've talked it out with him. I should've let him explain...because that girl he was hugging could've just been an old friend of some sort.

I made mistake. I can't blame Tj for what I did, only myself. I know I overreacted, and for that reason I don't think I could show my face to him again. I antagonized him, when I was the one using him. What kind of friend am I? Without myself even knowing, I called Buffy.

"Hello? Cyrus are you okay!?" Buffy asked worried.

"Yeah I'm good Buffy, but I want someone to talk to...I'm lonely," I whined.

"Well ummm, I have basketball practice, but Jonah can come over after school!" Buffy stated.

"That's good, thanks." I exclaimed. Buffy hung up shortly afterwards since she had a class to go to. I started watching more tv, waiting for Jonah.

~ Time skip gurl ~

I heard a knock on the door all of a sudden. I looked at my phone to see it was 3:30. It must be Jonah, because my mom gets home at 5. I rushed to the front door, and like I expected, it was Jonah.

"Cyrus, hey! Buffy said you wanted some company?" Jonah asked. I nodded, letting Jonah in. We sat on the couch quietly before I broke the ice.

"Want any water or snacks?" I asked.

"No thanks, I just wanted to see if you were okay! We haven't heard from you in about two days." Jonah stated.

"I'm sorry I made you guys worry about me." I apologized.

"It's not your fault Cy. It's  Tj's fau-"

"It's not Tj's fault!" I yelled, cutting Jonah off.


"I mean, I was the one whose at fault Jonah. I overreacted big time, and messed things up. You see Jonah, I'm not staying home because I'm heartbroken, it's because I'm embarrassed!" I stated.

"Is there any way I could help?" Jonah asked.

"I don't know." I mumbled. "I don't know why I was so jealous over what was probably just a friend. It was like when I saw you with Andi," I stated.

"Oh. I'm sorry made you feel that way Cyrus!" Jonah muttered.

"It's fine. I don't like you anymore so It dosen't matter too much." I responded.

"I'm not gonna lie. I was flattered when you said you liked me." Jonah mumbled.

"Well that was almost a month ago. It was back in the start of's Feburary 12 now." I proclaimed.

"If you need anything Cyrus, just talk to me. I want to be a great friend." He exclaimed.

"I know Jonah, and I love you for that.....AS A FRIEND OF COURSE!" I shouted, flustered and worried Jonah might get the wrong idea.

"I know Cy. I love you too. Now how do we get your man back?" Jonah asked.

"Woah, who said anything about getting my man back?" I asked.

"You should talk to him!" Jonah stated.

"I don't want to Jonah! After everything that went down Wednesday...I don't think I could look at Tj with a straight face," I whined.

"I know you miss him Cyrus!,"

"I never said I did, because I do miss him Jonah. I miss him a lot!" I exclaimed.

"Then let's go talk to him!" JonahPpp yelled, tugging on my arm.

"Tommorow," I blurt. Jonah looked at me for a second, then let go of me.

"You promise?"

"I promise," I stated. With that, Jonah left after saying goodbye. He had to get home or his family would worry about him. I was looking at my phone and finally built up enough courage to...

Me: Hey Tj.

Tj❤: DORKY! How are you!? I'm sorry for anything I did wrong, just please tell me what I did wrong! You don't know how much I've missed you!

Me: I'm fine Tj. I want to meet tommorow at The Spoon. Is that okay?

Tj❤: Of course! I'll see you there!

Tj❤ is typing......

Tj❤: I'm glad to have you back.

(A/N) Thxs for reading Ch 13! As always, comment and vote! I hope u r enjoy the story! See u next time!

Ch 14 Sneak Peek:

"As long as your happy," Buffy responded.

"And I am. Don't worry Buffy, everything between me and Tj end today." I exclaimed.

"You seem a lot happier than I thought you would," Buffy stated.

"Because...I get to see my knight once again!"

...........To Be Continued..........

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