Chapter 5 [Rooftop]

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     When I got back from the nurse's office, school had gotten out. Recovery Girl gave both of us a long lecture about what heroes do and what they don't do. And according to her, they definitely don't hurt others unless absolutely necessary. We didn't say anything back besides "sorry" and "I understand," but she seemed satisfied by the time Starshine came in and gave us a lecture of her own about the same subject, but putting more emphasis on the responsibilities of being a hero. She was a little less lenient with us than Recovery Girl was though, because we got after-school detention for all of next week. We sighed and accepted the punishment.
      The apartment was pretty calm and dark when we entered in. Awkward air hung between Yuuto and I as we stood in the elevator to our floors. "Some first day, huh?" He sighed to me. I nodded and side-eyed him.
      "Yeah. We still have some things to learn," I noted. He nodded back, and our conversation was over. We thought about all the things we would have to go through this year and if it would really be okay. If we could really handle it. I let out a shaky breath and stared at the doors opening to my floor. Yuuto grabbed my hand suddenly as I was walking out. I looked back at him and he gave me a sad look.
      "Saito..." he whispered. I looked at him in surprise. "It's going to be okay." He stared at me intensely. I was worried he was going to kiss me or something. But he let go of my hand and let the doors close. I sighed and walked to my room. That made me uncomfortable. But it helped to know that he understood. He understood how scared I was and he felt the same way. If I hadn't gotten paired up with him I probably wouldn't have met him or even talked to him, since my impression of him was so different than what he actually was.
The door clicked open and I set my bag on the floor. I sat on my floor in the dark, leaning on my bed. I had a massive headache from being cooped up all day. I changed out of my school clothes and got into some pajamas. I took a shower and let the water sting my cut. Recovery Girl refused to heal it, so she just dressed it, cleaned it, and stitched it closed. I was thankful she left it though. The scar would be a good reminder of my real goal, not something that got caught up in my head.
I walked out and lay on my bed. The headache was still there. It was forming into a migraine and sleep wouldn't come. So I got up and went to the elevator. Earlier I saw a button that took you to the roof. So I pressed it and let it take me up. I walked out onto the roof and shivered. The air was warm and sticky but my hair was wet and I was still cold. I walked out to the edge of the roof and put my hands on the little stone barrier on the edge of the roof. It was warm just like the air. I breathed in the air deeply and felt myself being revived. I looked down at my foot and saw a little weed growing through a crack. My vision started to blur and my throat felt like it had barbed wire around it.
I missed my mom. I missed my dad. But I couldn't help thinking of my brother. I haven't talked him in years. If he was here right now then he would hug me and tell me it would be okay. But he wasn't. When I was 8 and he was 16, we were outside in the forest. I remember him telling me about all the different types of trees and flowers and bushes that grew around us. He would point at them and say, "do ya' know what this one is?" And as always, I would shake my head no. After I responded with that same answer every time, he would proceed to tell me the name of the plant. It's part of the reason I'm so educated on botany.
      So when we started to jack around and chase each other around the trees, he hid in a tree. I couldn't find him. I was calling his name and running around. I knew he would show up, but I was still scared. Above me, I heard a twig snap. I looked up at him and started laughing hysterically. He was wrapped around a branch, pointing and laughing at me. I don't know if it was because of the wild mood I was in, or because I thought I was so talented, but I started to fly up to him on wings of ice. It was the first thing I learned to do with my quirk. But I miscalculated how much I would unsettle the air and shake the tree he was on. I was still laughing and closing my eyes when I heard him screaming.
      "Oh my god!" He screamed. I started crying. He was scared because of me. I started to fly closer to help him down, but it shook the tree even more. I sprayed ice at him unintentionally and cut his hand. I'm not very sure how high it was, but it was enough. In slow motion, I watched as he fell. He hurtled towards the ground, screaming the whole way. I tried to fly and catch him but I was too slow. I closed my eyes and cried loudly, and heard the thud as he hit the ground. I was too scared to see if he was alive. So I ran and got my parents. I sometimes wonder if he could have lived if I stayed and helped him. But I didn't. And I can't change that.
I blinked away tears. I always blamed myself, and I probably always will. Even if my mom tells me a thousand times that she still loves me, I know she thinks it's my fault. Even if my dad kisses my forehead before bed, he hasn't looked at me the same in years. And I can't change that either. I was scared to use my quirk, I was scared I would hurt someone. In that way, I was like Yuuto.
I wasn't going to cry about it another time. I had cried too many times about it. It made me sad but I was already cried out. I just use it to make me stronger now. I used it as a reminder. And no matter how much I missed him, I wouldn't cry.
"Hey, what are you doing over there?" I heard a distant voice say. I looked over and saw the purple-haired boy that had saved me earlier.


Okay so sorry this is such a heavy chapter. But we're gonna have some interaction between the two main characters soon. Stay tuned ;)

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