Chapter 18 [Slow Rolling]

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I was abruptly awoken by my own alarm clock, blaring at me. Shinso stirred but didn't awake, and I smacked it with my fist. I didn't want him to wake up, since he was up late last night and I assumed he would want to sleep. Plus, he looked very peaceful laying there.

His arm was flung out to the side, since he let me sleep on it last night. I smiled at his sleeping face, which I admitted was a bit ridiculous. His mouth hung wide open, and he snored loudly. It wasn't the cute, angelic position that someone might expect him to be in, it was in fact the exact opposite. His shirt hung askew, revealing a small patch of skin. There were so many ways I wanted to wake him up, like sticking my finger in his mouth or putting my cold hands on his stomach. Both would be hilarious, but I decided to let him sleep.

Either way, I had homework to finish. I pulled out my textbooks and laid them out on my desk. I tried to focus, but Shinso was snoring loudly behind me. Every time I thought he was finally done being so loud, he would snore again. Several minutes of this went on, and I slammed my book shut. There was no way that I would be able to focus. I walked over, staring at him from above. I kneeled down on the bed beside him, and poked his face with my finger. "Shinsooooo~," I cooed. He abruptly woke up, almost smacking my face in the process. 

"Woah, calm down," I gasped, placing my hands on his chest. His eyes were wide and his face was pale. Once he realized that he was in my room, he started laughing.

"God, I'm sorry Haruyo," he laughed. He pulled me into a hug, and yawned loudly.

"You snore a lot,  Hitoshi."

"Do not!" he said, pretending to look hurt.

"You do, you snored so loud that I couldn't even focus on my homework!"

"Now you're just plain lying," he joked. I rolled my eyes, and stood up again.

"Well at least you're awake now. I was getting bored. Wanna go out and do something?" I sighed.

"Hmmm...can't we just stay in?" he begged. I pulled on his arm, prompting him to stand up and follow me.

"Why would you wanna stay in when there's so much to do outside?" I exclaimed. He groaned and rolled over, pulling me on top of him.

"You're warm and I'm tired. Just stay," he mumbled, his arm now over me, pinning me to him. He buried his head in my hair.

" me, you big goon," I struggled, trying to push his arm off of me. "God, you're too heavy, Toshi."

"Oh, are you calling me fat now?" he accused.

"Definitely," I wheezed, trying not to laugh. "Come on, if we go out, I promise you'll enjoy yourself."

"I'm already enjoying myself." I chuckled to myself, coming up with a better argument. Maybe this could be fine... Just for today though.

I drifted off to sleep once more, since there was nothing I could do about my situation. He had already passed out, and his breathing was heavy against my neck. 

When I woke up, Shinso was sitting in my desk chair, staring out of the window. "Ah, you're awake," he stated. I looked at the alarm clock, and realized it was already 3 in the afternoon.

"What? Why did you let me sleep so long? How long have you been awake?"

"Well, about an hour," he admitted

"SHINSO!" I yelled. He smiled, stifling his laughter. "I don't even know if I wanna go out now. I'm too offended that you let me sleep this long. Sleeping was your idea in the first place."

"Oh, whatever. You still love me. And you looked so peaceful sleeping there, I couldn't wake you." I blushed, remembering that I had actually said that last night. The events of yesterday replayed in my head, causing me to blush even more. He noticed easily, and said, "What's got you so nervous?"

"N-Nothing, weirdo. You should go shower and change, because I am making  you go outside, cause it seems like you never do that anyways," I retorted.

"I do go outside. I met you outside, remember? I even walk to school, which happens to be outside. And occasionally, I walk from my dorm to yours. I do a lot of outdoor time," he said, standing up and stretching. "But if you insist. Call me when you're ready and we'll do whatever your heart desires."

He opened the door, and started to walk out. Before he made his way out, he looked back at me and winked. "See ya," he said.

"Later, gator," I replied. He laughed and shut the door, leaving me totally alone. I felt sad that he was gone, even though we had just spent the last couple of days together. I got up, showered, and then got ready, trying not to think too hard about Shinso.

I can't believe how fast I'm giving into him. It's only been half a year, and  he's already made me fall. I looked into the mirror and noticed a hickey, right on the side of my neck. Oh well.

I don't mind this at all

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