Chapter 36 [Moving Forward]

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I tore off my clothes as I entered into my waiting room. It would be a while till I fought again, but I decided that I would spend that time recuperating. 

I put on the fresh uniform that was laying on the table, then gingerly sat down in the chair. About an hour went past before anyone came to see me.

Eventually, Fumika burst into my room, extending her arms to pull me into an embrace.

"OH! Haruyo, that was some smart technique there! I couldn't believe my eyes when that downpour began. You're seriously amazing," she beamed. I smiled into her shoulder, then saw Shinso standing behind her. He gave me a small, awkward wave. He was always a bit more awkward when people were around, and some took that as rudeness. 

"It really was incredible," he smiled. Fumika released me, then sat down. Shinso pulled up a chair on the other side of the table. He noticed the bandage on my nose, then asked, "Did you see Recovery Girl for your nose? It looked broken."

I rubbed my nose, nodding my head. "Yeah, luckily that was the only thing she had to heal. I feel like I might get more injured later."

"Well, you might be right. But injuries can't stop us, right?" Fumika grinned. I gave her a small smile back. "I totally whooped the last girl I fought. It felt too easy. Do you know who you're fighting next?"

"I'm fighting a complete stranger next. I'm kind of scared, since I have no idea what his abilities are."

"What's his name?" they both asked at the same time.

"His name is Tsugi Akinori. He's from the Hero Course, too."

"Do your best," Fumika demanded. I nodded in response, and got up to stretch and prepare to leave. 

"Who are you fighting next?" I asked.

"I'm fighting Sora. I hate that I have to fight one of my best friends. It's kind of disheartening."

"Wow. That is frustrating. I guess you can't do anything to change that, though. You just have to do everything you can."

"I will. I can't expect you to choose sides, but it feels good to have your support."

"Of course," I smiled, giving her a hug. 

She gave me a quick squeeze, then pushed me out the door. "You're up next, Haruyo. You're going to beat him."

I laughed for a moment, then started to walk down the hallway once again. My next fight was soon. 

The same routine as earlier occured. I waited just outside the entrance, then waited to be told to go in. As I walked up the stairs, Mic announced, "Haruyo Saito, the Storm hero! She had some quick thinking in her last match, which has allowed her to fight Tsugi Akinori! Tsugi's last opponent didn't even stand a chance against him. With our two competitors face-to-face, we can now begin!" I looked over at my opponent, a stocky boy with thick glasses on. He was plain, with curly, dark brown hair, and a normal-looking face. He looked perpetually angry, like I was his personal arch-nemesis. And I had never met him before. The only true defining feature of this guy was his long nose. 

I assumed a fighting stance. "Fight!"

My plan was to keep my eyes on him at all times, analyzing his quirk and figuring a battle plan as the fight went on. But he didn't waste any time showing off his quirk. And there was no way to keep my eyes on him.

He disappeared underground, confusing me immensely. "Wow, look at this! Akinori is already underground. As we saw in the last match, he digs underground, making it impossible for his opponent to see him! Saito sure does look confused!" I resented Mic's comment, but I'm sure it was true. At least I then knew that he didn't just disappear into thin air.

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