Chapter 30 [Training]

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Starshine and I stood alone on the training grounds. She had her arms crossed in front of her chest, and her face had a funny, serious expression.

"Haruyo, I thought since the Sports Festival is in two days, we might as well work our asses off to get a bit of control over your quirk before you use it. Well, you'll be working your ass off." I laughed and rolled up the sleeves of my shirt a little.

"Alright, let's see if this can happen." I inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"Now, do you remember exactly how you did this? Cause as far as I'm aware, you've only summoned lightning once, Zeus."

"Pshh. I do it every day on my back. Piece of cake," I grinned.

"Heh. Alright. I'll just stand back a little here and watch," she said, running off a ways. I laughed at her caution and focused. I have to get this down before Friday. I can do it. I remember the tingling in my fingertips, the best feeling in the world. I remember the pain of the lightning in my hand.

"I am more than wings. I am more than flight," I whispered, a small hope in my chest that those words I uttered the first time would work some magic for me again.

I imagined summoning wings but...bigger. That's just the only way to describe it. I squeezed my eyes closed tight. I drew in one powerful breath, energizing my body one last time before using my quirk.

My eyes shot open abruptly. I felt power coursing through my body, and I knew that I could do it. I saw dark clouds gathering above my head. A big smile grew across my face. "THIS IS IT!" I screamed, exhilarated. My skin started to glow bright white and my hair flowed around me wildly. I extended my hand to the sky, beckoning the lighting to come my way.


A giant yellow bolt came straight for me. It seemed to slither towards me in slow motion, moving in an unpredictable way.

I caught it in my hand effortlessly, the painful stinging shooting down my arm, all the way to my legs which were firmly planting me into the ground. I let out a piercing scream, alarming Starshine.

"Saito!" She yelled, starting to run towards me.

"No! Don't come any closer." She froze in her place, her raven hair whipping around with my wind, and her eyes wide. "I got it!"

"Really? If you got it, then hit that trash can over there!" She shouted over the sound of the storm I created. There was a trash can that was nearly 75 yards away from me.

I smirked, and obliged best I could. I planted my feet in the ground, and threw the lightning like a javelin. It shot it at an incredible speed. It hit it right in the center, sending it shooting up into the air. I released my hold on the storm, and everything went quiet. I turned around and looked at Starshine.

Her jaw was wide open.

"WOOOOOO!" She screamed, punching her fists in the air. I laughed crazily at her reaction, leaning over on my knees. "YOU! You are so amazing! God, that power! I can't believe it!"

She was so overly excited that I couldn't help but fall over from laughter. "Miss Starshine, calm down! It's not that big of a deal!"

"How am I ever going to calm down? You just did that," she beamed. I ignored the fact that our conversation was slightly inappropriate for a teacher and a student and celebrated with her.

Once she calmed down, she came up with an idea. "Okay, so what you're gonna do is try flying and aiming at the same time. I'll set up targets on the ground while you focus on yourself.

I nodded and pushed out wings of ice. I didn't fear them anymore. I felt like they could be controlled by me.

As I flew up to a high place, I looked down at the ground below me. I looked over at the dorms and saw little dots of color - presumably students. I did the process again after making sure that Starshine was out of the way.

Deep breath. In. Out.

I closed my eyes and gathered my strength.

I opened my eyes quickly, and extended my arm to the sky, even higher than I already was.

I willed the lighting to come to me, focusing on creating the perfect conditions in the air for the lighting to exist.

My skin and hair glowed, a sure sign that it was working.

The familiar crack sounded, a lightning bolt falling into my hand. I focused on making the whole bolt disperse into several smaller ones, just as I had that night.



I threw it as hard as I could to the ground. The familiar sound of electricity rumbling through the air. Sweat beaded on my forehead as I tried to stay airborne and hit all of the targets at once.

"Damn!" I whispered. I only hit one target. "Fine. I'll do them all individually."

One bolt after another, I hit every single target on the mark.

My limbs were trembling from the exertion. I had no choice but to fly myself back down to the ground. I fell to the ground, my knees hitting the dirt hard. I heaved and ceased glowing, my stomach threatening to make me vomit.

Starshine ran towards me, holding a bag. She shoved it underneath my mouth just in time.

She rubbed my back as I got sick. "You're doing great, Saito."

Then it started raining.

I had gathered clouds for so long that they got heavy and started pouring. I looked up to the sky and let the cold drops hit my heated face.

"I think we need to call it quits for now at least," she said, pulling me up to stand. She dragged me over to the bench underneath an overhang, my limbs like jelly.

"We found my limit, I think," I groaned.

"Well considering this is the second time you've tried to do this, you have a very high limit," she soothed. I nodded. "You should be happy. You have good aim, and I think you'll be in good shape for the Sports Festival. Just don't...don't actually strike someone. That might not look good for employers," she laughed. I chuckled along with her.

Starshine had a motherly presence. While my own mother tried to treat me like a regular person, she greatly struggled. Starshine felt like a new chance at a family. Of course, I didn't tell her that.

"You're right. I won't do that. Thanks for the stellar advice." She laughed and stood up.

"Alright, well go get some rest. It's starting to get dark. No more training today, you're obviously pooped." I slowly stood up, denied her hand outstretched to help me, and hobbled off.

This feels like real power.

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