Chapter 53 [The Internship]

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hey listen everybody idk if Shinso is interning with aizawa or not honestly. From what I know it doesn't say in the manga so I am just creating this scenario for the sake of the story. I know for a fact that Aizawa is training him, but might as well have him interning shinso as well. So Shinso is interning for Aizawa whether it's true in the manga or not. That is all love you bye

"So, do you know who you're interning for yet?" Fumika asked me. We were waiting for class to start, talking about the sports festival.

"No. I got a lot of offers but not many stand out to me. I dunno. I was hoping I could intern with Hawks or something because we both have wings, but he never made me an offer."

"Oh, I have an idea!" she beamed.

"What is it?"

"You should intern with Shinso! I heard he's interning for Mr. Aizawa, and I think it would be great if you could intern with him!"

I didn't hate the idea.

"That would be fun, but that's what I'm worried about. If I'm too busy having fun with Hitoshi, then it will prevent both of us from focusing on our actual goal."

"Well, you are planning on actually opening an agency with him, right? If that happens then it would be best if you got used to fighting with him right now!"

"Damn it, you're right. That is, if Hitoshi wants me. Hell, if Aizawa even wants me. I'm not going to force it. I can always intern with someone else."

"That's true. Well, think it over. I think I'm going to be interning with Mirko."

"The rabbit hero? Oh, she's so cool. She is my idol for sure. If Aizawa doesn't take me then I'm following you to Mirko's agency!"

We giggled. I was so excited to get started for real on my hero journey. I already felt like I had come so far, but I knew there was still a lot to go. I was still a first year. I had no experience in reality. I was starting to get really hyped up over the thought of it all. I almost had to hold myself from jumping up and down when Hitoshi said he would ask Aizawa to intern with him.

"Just don't get your hopes up, Haruyo. He barely accepted me. I think I'm one of the first interns he's ever taken."

"Okay, I won't. If he wants, I don't mind meeting with him personally and making my case!"

"Alright. Just let me talk to him first. I think it's a good idea, but he might be reluctant because we're dating."

"I know. I understand. I think even if we weren't I'd still wanna open up an agency with you. I couldn't imagine it with anyone else."

"Me neither. Now go to class, you're already late," he said, pushing me. "I'll go talk to him."

I smiled at him and skipped off. I was really nervous to meet with Aizawa. I knew it was unlikely that he would let me intern with him. He was already busy with being a teacher, so I was sure he hardly had time to patrol, too. Plus, he never seemed to like me.

The fact that Hitoshi and I were dating would probably set him off too. It's rare that high school relationships last till the end, and I knew that. Still, I wanted to try. 

Later that day, I saw Hitoshi in the hall. "Haruyo, Mr. Aizawa said he would meet with us today to talk about interning. It's surprising that he's even entertaining the idea of having a second intern, but he is! Come on, he wants to meet soon."

He grabbed my hand and started pulling me. I still hadn't had time to process what he just said.

"Wait, wait, wait. He actually wants to meet? Right now?!" I worried.

"Yes, he said as soon as possible. Don't worry, it'll be okay."

"B-but I haven't had time to think about what to say. And I probably look all crazy from today, and I haven't-"

"Haruyo," Hitoshi said, stopping in front of me. "It's going to be okay." He kissed my forehead gently. "He's really not that scary. He would only even agree to meet with you if he thought you had a great amount of potential. He's most likely already made up his mind, he just wants to see why you want to intern with him. That's just how he is. Now come on, you can do it. You have a way with words," he smiled.

My heart slowed down a little as he patted my head. "O-Okay. I believe you. Now tell me, did you just mess up my hair?"

"A little." He combed his fingers through my curls, trying to tame them. "I think I'm just making it worse," he sighed. 

I giggled at his frustration. "It's alright. There's nothing you can do to make it stay down at this point. Let's just go."

We made our way to the teacher's lounge, knocking on the door before letting ourselves in. He was already sitting on a couch, two wooden chairs across from him. He wasn't in his usual yellow sleeping bag, but he did look like he was about to fall asleep. 

"Hello, Mr. Aizawa," Hitoshi greeted him as we sat down. Aizawa grunted a hello as he eyed us. 

"Why do you want me to intern you?" He asked. He wasn't wasting any time, apparently.

I took a deep breath and tried to say something convincing.

"Well, I really respect you as a hero. I've seen what you've done for Shinso combat-wise, and how much he has improved since last year. It's incredible to see what you've done with him. When we were training together, I noticed how big of a gap was between us in that aspect. I want to be able to rely on my own know-how, not just my quirk. You said that I relied on it too much, and you're right. If you could teach me how to truly fight, then I could be a great hero," I explained. "Of course, that's only if you're willing to take me. I understand you have a lot to deal with as a teacher and pro hero."

"So the fact that your boyfriend is also interning with me has nothing to do with it?" he sighed. I blushed a little. While what I just said was partially the truth, I also wanted to be able to fight along Hitoshi. Like Fumika said, having combat experience with him would make us a stronger duo. I had to be straight-forward about that.

"If I'm being honest, that is partially the reason why. I want to open up an agency one day with Hitoshi, whether we are dating or not. Learning how to use our strengths together will benefit both of us in the long run. It's not what you think it is. It's not an excuse to spend more time with him. It's more learning how to support him and such," I admitted.

"That's what I think too. I know you're apprehensive about interning a couple, but we have shown that we're able to put that aside and work together. Regardless of our relationship, I want her by my side."

"And none of this will change if you two break up or something? I know how teenagers are."

We looked at each other, nodding.

"Of course not," we said in unison. 

Aizawa grinned, standing up. "Okay. I'm not dealing with any relationship struggles you two may have, but I will accept you as an intern. Don't let me down."

I smiled, standing up. We shook hands, assuring that it was real. 

"Thank you so much. I'm so excited to be of assistance to you. I trust you'll whip me into shape before long."

"Oh trust me, I will." He had a weird, evil-looking smile on his face. But I knew he meant it. 

Within a day, I already found someone to intern me. Luckily for me, it was with Hitoshi. I didn't know what would be in store for me during that internship, but I was excited for it nonetheless.

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