Chapter 10

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Alice's P.O.V.

"So, with Club World Cup over and done with, we have the remaining December free with no matches! What does that mean for us you ask? Well, two things: celebration and vacation!

"Tonight we are having a ball to celebrate the club world cup and Christmas. Yes, you heard that right! It's a damn winter ball! I'm so excited!! The whole team and staff are going to be here with their families. It's gonna be fun!" I grinned at the camera as I sat on the sofa in the living room.

I had gotten accustomed to the idea of speaking to the camera and it was pretty fun for me now.

"Since now you know what we're up to today, I'm gonna leave you to go and get ready. See ya in a bit!" I waved at the camera and ran upstairs to get ready.

When I was informed of the ball, I had no idea as to what I should wear so I had called Mike in my panic. He then proceeded to get me a dress and hired a makeup artist and a hairdresser for me who would be arriving in an hour.

I used that time to take a shower and dry my hair. The hairdresser and makeup artist arrived and so started my preparations for the night.

The camera crew kept on recording bits and pieces of me getting ready. About two hours later, I was finally ready to put on the dress but I still wasn't allowed to look in the mirror.

Everyone cleared out the room and the make-up artist, Emma, stayed behind to help me with the dress since there was no way I could get in it by myself.

Once the dress was on, Emma zipped me up and then helped me wear my pumps. She handed me my clutch and opened the door for everyone to enter. A few gasps and 'damn's were uttered.

I looked at them anxiously, "What how do I look? Say something! And for the love of God please let me see a mirror!"

Without another word, Andy, the hairdresser led me towards the full-length mirror in my closet and the moment I looked at my reflection, I froze.

"Wow..." I muttered, pretty much speechless. I couldn't even describe the look if you asked.

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My dress was fit for a princess and so was everything else! I couldn't believe my eyes

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My dress was fit for a princess and so was everything else! I couldn't believe my eyes.

"You look stunning," Emma said putting a hand on my shoulder as she stood behind me.

"Thank you," I whispered directing my gaze to Emma and Andy, "both of you."

They smiled and nodded.

Everyone headed downstairs, leaving me behind to gather a few things. I quickly put my phone, some money and a few tissues in my clutch before heading out the door.

When I reached the stairs, I paused a little and looked at my feet. Even with the 5i inch heel, the gown touched the floor. I had to be super careful going down so I don't end up falling flat on my face.

"You've got this Alice!" I muttered to myself before I started descending down the stairs slowly.

Third P.O.V.

Isco came down the stairs and he noticed the camera below recording him. He waved and fixed his tie a little.

"Looking sharp Isco! How are you feeling?" Asked the cameraman

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"Looking sharp Isco! How are you feeling?" Asked the cameraman.

Isco grinned, "Thank you! I'm excited. Been looking forward to this night for a while. It's going to be ama- holy shit..." He trailed off as he noticed Alice on the staircase.

Even if he tried his hardest, Isco couldn't move from his spot and his eyes couldn't leave Alice. She looked breathing clad in the gorgeous grey and white gown. Hell, breathing couldn't come close to describing it!

His eyes met hers as she took the final step and she gave him a shy smile.

He was frozen. He couldn't even smile back. He only stood there like a fool, not even blinking, afraid that this was a dream. Even though he had never admitted it even to himself, Alice had always left him feeling breathless but this? This he couldn't put into words and he knew that this was a dangerous territory he was stepping into.

"Disco?" Theo broke him out of his thoughts and that's when he realised that everyone was there and looking at him.

"You okay?" Marco asked with a smirk on his face.

Everyone had obviously noticed the moment between the two and Isco's obvious lovestruck look.

"Yeah," Isco cleared his throat, "we should go."

Everyone nodded and they headed out and into the Limo that was waiting outside.

Everyone climbed in and Theo purposely made Isco sit in front of Alice. Marco had his phone linked to the sound system and he put his playlist on shuffle since it was almost a half an hour drive.

Everyone chatted a little and champaign glasses were passed around. Every other minute, Isco and Alice's eyes would meet and they'd look away blushing before anyone could notice.

Youth by Troye Sivan started playing and Alice could feel the lyrics for once. Her heart tugged each time here eyes met Isco's or whenever their fingers brushed against each other's.

It didn't help that he looked dashing in his fitted grey tux and his hair up in a quiff. All she wanted was to run away with him away from the cameras.

Even she realised how bizarre she sounded in her head but she couldn't help it. It hadn't hit her until today how massive of a crush she had developed on Isco. The easy he always noticed her emotions when no one else did, how he was always ready to be her partner in her weird ideas from pranking others to eating pizzas in the middle of the hallway.

Both knew they couldn't let these feelings grow as they would put both them and their jobs at jeopardy but strangely enough, they were willing to take that bet.

Author's Note

Hey guys! I hope you all are doing well and staying safe. I was feeling really down and helpless as I couldn't do much to help people so I decided to pick this story back up since so many of you seem to like it.
I'll continue to post every other day and hopefully, I'll manage to bring a smile to your face. We're all in this together. So let's fall in love with Isco and Alice, together.

Let me know your thoughts!

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